SB ENGLISH 12 Friday, September 5 th, 2014
DO NOW: Journal in response to these prompts: What do you plan to do after high school? (Think 13 th year plan) Do you value education? Why or why not? Does your family value education? Is it an expectation in your family for you to attend post-secondary schooling? What is your biggest hope for next year?
COLLEGE AND SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY WORKSHOP TIME Materials: College admissions or scholarship prompt(s) Notebook paper or journal Your favorite writing utensil Noise level and music: Be respectful of each other and of the learning environment If you’d like to listen to music – start a playlist and put your device away You may work individually, in partners, or in small groups Use today’s class period to begin working on your essays, or to craft and revise an essay you’ve already started I am here to help!!