R EVIEW – What is point of view (perspective)? How is the narrator or author’s point of view conveyed in a literary text?
I WAS BLINDSIDED ?!? Watch the following Survival Tribal Council. Take notes of what you see and hear, what tribe members are saying, and differences in point of view. Survivor Tribal Council After watching the video, what were the differing points of view? How do the different tribe members convey their points of view?
H AVE YOU EVER ? Think about a movie or television show where the thought “why did they do that” crossed your mind. With your elbow buddy, create a list of movies or shows where the character does something that leaves you wondering. To help get you started… In a scary movie, where does the girl always run? On American Idol how is the “bad” singers keep getting moved on?
P RACTICE MAKES PERFECT As a class, read the short story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” and complete the following steps: While reading… Mark the text –highlight evidence that shows Mrs. Maloney’s point of view and label with your pencil if this is a Quote, Thought, or Action In another color, highlight evidence that portrays the police officers point of view Discuss – how do these effects create suspense or humor?
A FTER READING Discuss What did Mr. Maloney tell Mary? Mary Maloney was 6 months pregnant when Mr. Maloney gave her the news…what do you think now? What was Mrs. Maloney’s point of view (perspective) of the news? What was your point of view of her actions? How did the narrator build suspense in the story? This story was set in the 1960’s. How/Why might Mary view this as the “only option”? Would her perspective (and yours) be the same if the story was set in today’s times? Explain…
A FTER READING – G ROUP ACTIVITY You will need: 1 paper plate 6 post-its Writing utensil Copy of short story
G ROUP ACTIVITY With your buddy, respond to the following question (five minutes): Explain how differences in points of view of the characters and the audience create effects such as suspense or humor. Use evidence from the text for support. Example for response (center of plate): In the text, “Lamb to the Slaughter” the author creates a suspenseful effect for the audience. He uses the character, Mrs. Maloney, to build suspense throughout the story. The audience is kept wondering what will she do based on her actions, thoughts and quotes.