Mrs. Storey’s Organizational Procedures
3 Ring binder Writing Utensils Textbook Assignments (this goes for hard copies and online) First and Last Name Class Date Assignment Why? You will have hard copies of paper for some assignments and handed back assignments that will need a place to be saved. Paper and Stuff
Need to be charged! They are not to be open until I am done instructing. No social networking during class unless I have it tied into an assignment. Netbooks
Always back up your files to cloud or h: drive that way you can access h: drive files from home and if your computer crashes (it does happen!) you will have everything in a safe place. In order to save your favorites sign up for delicious or diigo. They are free and we will be adding a lot of websites that we will need access to this year. General Organization
Make a folder for this class: Example U.S. History and Geography Then make a folder within for each unit we start, if you end up having a lot of material, or organize how you see fit, but keep it so you can find things, because I will be checking periodically. One for notes, journals, other assignments would work File Saving
We are going to use moodle in my classroom this year. It is like edmodo but has a few more options. Daily you can check messages, assignments, due dates, files that are uploaded. You will first have to sign into the class This needs to be done by this Friday. Moodle
I have a school webpages for each of my classes I will have general information there if your parents need it or you need something such as a powerpoint that you missed. I also like to showcase students working or your work. 3&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&c=53716&6984_ Nav=|1138|&NodeID =1138 /blank/browse.asp?a=38 3&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&c=53716&6984_ Nav=|1138|&NodeID =1138 or go to school site under staff then Mrs. Storey Mrs. Storey’s Social Studies Pages
We will be signing up for free website programs that will help us with material we are going to learn. I will only have us use free web based material If you find a cool site or program that we could use in class please let me know. I will set up a blog for us to share! Signing Up for Free Stuff
More Sites
Check Moodle Check with classmates for instructions If there is nothing on Moodle, there will be a hard copy in folder next to door. Before asking me, check with classmates, if you still have questions, then ask me! How do I get Make-up Work
Sign into class on Moodle Set up bookmark page either diigo or delicious Questions? Don’t forget we will have a blog on suggestions for cool websites! We will also have a wiki for classroom behavior expectations. You will find it on Moodle Checklist 3 Ring Binder Writing Utensil and Textbook Netbook File folder for this class, inside organize into at lest three folders: notes, Journal and Other for each unit Review