K-W-L Please take just a moment to use what you KNOW about the Professionalism rubric to write down what you WANT to know before the end of our session.
March 17thMarch 24thApril 17thMay 23rdMay 30thMay 16th TEM Observations Professionalism Conferences Summative Conferences TEAM S2 Scoring and Feedback
Professionalism Process Schedule the Professionalism conference. Complete entry of evidence for each indicator in the Professionalism Observation Form. Open the educator’s Professionalism self score. Use evidence from the self score (as appropriate) to support each indicator on the rubric. Make any needed adjustments to evidence and enter a score for each indicator prior to meeting with the educator. Conduct the conference as you would an observation post- conference (R,R,R)
Turn and Talk Table Groups
Professionalism Resources Professionalism Look-Fors Guidance on Scoring the Professionalism Rubric Professionalism in OASYS Steps Professionalism FAQ’s User History Steps
K-W-L Based on what we have discussed, what can you take away with you as new LEARNing? What else do you need to know in order to proceed with this process? What feedback do you have for me?
Survey Results The QTE review provided in December was useful for the intended audience and purpose. I would like to receive the QTE review again for the TEAM semester 2 feedback and scoring.
Survey Results QTE improved my ability to provide appropriate feedback on TEAM indicators 1, 3, and 5. Exemplars of feedback and recommendations were useful.
Survey Feedback Training/Examples Survey results Share best practices More samples per observer
Evidence Sample 1 02/12/ :23 pm: Teacher gives additional instructions to another student. 02/12/ :34 pm: Students are confused about the assignment and ask numerous questions. 02/12/ :35 pm: Teacher tells all students again what they are to do. A student asks, "So we don't add anything." The teacher says no. 02/12/ :35 pm: A student asks, "So are we bringing it to a higher level?" 02/12/ :39 pm: A student asks another clarifying question; another student asks another question, and the teacher answers the questions. 02/12/ :48 pm: Teacher asks student about another way they talked about completing the plate. 02/12/ :54 pm: Teacher asks if they have to always use pairs and students respond, "No." Students say, "It depends on the activity." 02/12/ :55 pm: The students explained the activities they would use. 02/12/ :57 pm: The teacher asks, " What would you do to associate their imagination? What could they imagine? You all had to be creative. 02/12/ :57 pm: Teacher asks, "Any other thoughts or suggestions?" 02/12/ :06 pm: A student states, "There was not a lot you could add to the powerpoint to analyze other than putting samples in it. Teacher makes suggestions. 02/12/ :04 pm: Each pair of students remaining stated what they liked about the powerpoint in addition to adding their suggestions. 02/12/ :07 pm: Student from last pair says, "There is not a lot you can do to it. 02/12/ :03 pm: Teacher calls on a student to explain powerpoint with changes. 02/12/ :03 pm: Teacher calls on other students to do the same and adds more suggestions.
Evidence Sample 2 - run smoothly without prompting. - include transitions that are orderly, efficient, systematic, and require little teacher direction.
Evidence Sample 3 TEACH 1: "level 2 11/15/ :18 am: Today's objective: Identify the reactants and products of a chemical reaction. Recognize if a chemical reaction occurred. The standard is interpret data from an investigation to differentiate between physical and chemical changes. Both the objective and standard are written on the whiteboard. 11/15/ :18 am: Do Now= What are two ways to identify if a chemical reaction has occurred? 11/15/ :23 am: Teacher ""Do chemical reaction only include compounds? What is a compound? Student ""Two or more elements chemically combined."" 11/15/ :29 am: Teacher ""In your group come up with three signs that a chemical reaction occurs."" There are seven groups. In every group, there is at least one student who is not engaged in conversation about the question. One student (the young man with dreads) has no materials on his desk (no paper, no writing utensil, no notes). 11/15/ :30 am: The groups have 2 minutes to generate their list. Student :""Formation of gas."" 11/15/ :33 am: To the group next to me. Teacher ""Did yall come up with three? Student :When the leaves change colors. Teacher ""So why is that a chemical change? Student :""Because the color change."" Teacher :""And? Why is that a chemical reaction?"" Student : ""Umm, cuz it changed.”” Summary of evidence: The aforementioned evidence suggest that most students did not demonstrate mastery of the objective. They could not explain or demonstrate what they were learning beyond simply repeating the stated or posted objectives. "
Recommendation Sample 1 Teach will continue to develop routines and procedures that: - run smoothly without prompting. - include transitions that are orderly, efficient, systematic, and require little teacher direction. Students know their responsibilities and ask few questions about what to do. Students share responsibility for the operations and routines in the classroom Teacher is encouraged to work on empowering students to make their own partnering choices. Teacher will select at PD360 or Teaching Channel video, specific to Science content. She will submit a reflection to the admin by March 14.
Recommendation Sample 2 The refinement recommendation for this observation actually relates to addressing issues in T5. Review the rubric for this indicator and incorporate the specific descriptors to fulfill the requirements for level 5.
Recommendation Sample 3 In this lesson students were disengaged and engaged in off task behavior for the majority of the lesson. There were times when the teacher was modeling for students and 0/18 students were tracking the teacher and engaged in the lesson. Therefore, the evidence indicates that instructional time could be maximized by providing consistent and clear expectations to all students. Provide clear concise directions to students that includes - Movement - Voice and Participation. For example: Quietly sit at your seat with your hands on your lap. Narrate 2-3 students that are modeling the correct direction. Memphis is sitting quietly, Jane has her hands in her lap. Provide consequences for students that do not follow expectations. One strategy that can be implemented immediately is SLANT. This acronym stands for Sit up... Listen.... Ask and Answer Questions... Nod your head. Track the Speaker. It is important to understand that in order for these strategies to be successful consequences must be provided to students that do not follow directions. More information on slant can be found on the following website: like-a-champion-technique-32.htmhttp://specialed.about.com/b/2011/01/01/teach- like-a-champion-technique-32.htm
Process for S2 Principals receive QTE forms for VP/AP’s on April 8 th. QTE forms will contain evidence samples, recommendation samples, and fidelity information (finalized without acknowledgement & outside 7 days) Principals should discuss QTE evidence and recommendations with their VP/AP and gather any context around fidelity. Performance Management does not have final say over administrator scoring so all context should be provided directly to the observer.