©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 1
Housekeeping Presenters Debbie Buchanan Education Specialist – Assessment Vicki Payne Rainwater Education Specialist – AGC (Inclusion) Questions Submit your questions in writing via the “Chat Box” located on the left hand side of your screen. Questions will be answered at points during the presentation. 2
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Housekeeping Make sure your volume is turned on and you have a headset or speakers attached to your computer If you have multiple participants at your site joining in this training on one computer we would appreciate a copy of your completed sign– in sheet faxed to (956) attention Debbie Buchanan/Vicki Rainwater after the session is completed. 3
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Agenda Who takes what test? Making the Statewide Assessment Decisions Participation Requirements Factors to Consider When Making Assessment Decisions Accommodations to the Texas Assessment Program Critical Information Eligibility Criteria New Accommodation Policy Additional Accommodation Resources Contact Information 4
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Training-Related Acronyms ARD - Admission, Review, and Dismissal DAP - Distinguished Achievement Program ELL - English Language Learner EOC - End-of-Course IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IEP - Individualized Education Program LAT – TAKS linguistically accommodated testing LEP - Limited English Proficiency LPAC - Language Proficiency Assessment Committee MHSP - Minimum High School Program STAAR - State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness STAAR L - Linguistically accommodated version of STAAR TAC - Texas Administrative Code TAKS - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills TAKS–Alt - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Alternate TAKS–M - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Modified TEA - Texas Education Agency TEKS - Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills TETN - Texas Education Telecommunication Network PEIMS - Public Education Information Management System RHSP - Recommended High School Program 5
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 6
Who Takes STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, or STAAR Modified? STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, and STAAR Modified Students who were first enrolled in grade 9 or below in the 2011–2012 school year For unique situations that don’t fit this guideline, contact TEA’s Student Assessment Division. 7
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Who Takes STAAR Alternate? STAAR Alternate Students in grades 3 and above who have significant cognitive disabilities and meet the participation requirements for an alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards will take STAAR Alternate. TAKS–Alt is no longer available. 8
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What STAAR Assessments Do ELLs Receiving Special Education Services Take? STAAR in English STAAR in Spanish (grades 3-5) STAAR Modified or STAAR Alternate STAAR L in English 9
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What STAAR Assessments Do ELLs Receiving Special Education Services Take? STAAR L in English STAAR L – linguistically accommodated STAAR tests for eligible ELLs Available for math, science, and social studies, grade 3 and above, including EOC STAAR L participation criteria somewhat different from old TAKS LAT No STAAR L forms of STAAR Modified but linguistic accommodations available for eligible ELLs who take STAAR Modifies Participation criteria available on STAAR L Resources webpage at
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Who takes TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), and/or TAKS–M? Exit level TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated) primary tests and retests ARE available. TAKS–M grade 11 tests ARE available. TAKS–M grade 11 assessments are not exit level tests. They are only administered once a year during the primary administration to students enrolled in grade 11 who meet participation requirements. TAKS–M retests are not available. TAKS–M grade 11 assessments are not administered to students in grade 12. TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), and TAKS – M grade 10 tests are no longer available. 11
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What Tests Do ELLs Receiving Special Education Services Take? Same tests as on previous TAKS slide. For TAKS program, no changes to LEP postponements for exit level Participation requirements for unschooled asylees/refugees More information on LPAC Resources webpage at
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What Tests Do ELLs Receiving Special Education Services Take? TELPAS Program For ELLs grades K–12 Listening, speaking, reading, writing Measures annual growth in English language acquisition 13
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What Tests Do ELLs Receiving Special Education Services Take? TELPAS Program In very rare cases ARD committee and LPAC may determine that student should not be assessed in one or more domains due to student’s particular disability More information to be posted in TELPAS Decision-Making Guide for LPACS. Posting in the fall at
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 15
The ARD committee reviews the student's PLAAFP and instructional goals and determines how the student accesses the grade-level/course curriculum (TEKS). With or without accommodations STAAR TAKS TAKS (Accommodated) Through modified TEKS-based instruction STAAR Modified TAKS–M Through prerequisite skills STAAR Alternate ©2012, Region One Education Service CenterWWW.ESC1.NET16Division of Instructional Support
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What does “access” mean? Access = a means of approach… how a teacher exposes a student to the grade- level/course TEKS. Access does not mean a location. 17
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What does “access” mean? 18 Instructional FocusInstructional ApproachInstructional Examples Instruction covers all of the required curriculum AccommodationsExtra time, small group, manipulatives, spelling assistance, transcribing, reading questions and answer choices,
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What does “access” mean? 19 Instructional FocusInstructional ApproachInstructional Examples Although student is exposed to all of the curriculum, IEP goals may focus on select student expectations or address all student expectations but in a broad/simplified manner. ModificationsDeleting extraneous information, limiting number of steps in questions, simplifying decoding level, simplifying numbers, defining difficult vocabulary
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support What does “access” mean? 20 Instructional FocusInstructional ApproachInstructional Examples Individual supports and materials compensate for the student’s disability and allow access to all of the curriculum. Prerequisite skills linked to grade-level/course curriculum Performance tasks to determine mastery at three varying complexity levels
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support The First Consideration Participation in the general assessment should be the first consideration when determining the appropriate assessment for a student. General assessments in the Texas Assessment Program STAAR STAAR Spanish TAKS TAKS (Accommodated) 21
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 1. Review the student’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP). ARD committees should have a clear understanding of the student’s performance in the grade-level/course TEKS, including the student’s strengths, current areas of need, and accommodations, modifications, or supports the student has used. 22
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support The First Consideration = the General Assessment To determine whether the general assessment is the most appropriate, ARD committees must review the student’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP). Provides a clear understanding of student’s performance in the grade-level/course TEKS, including strengths, current areas of need, and accommodations, modifications, or supports used. 23
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support The First Consideration = the General Assessment ARD committees must review the student’s instructional plan. This is the basis for making appropriate assessment decisions. Provides a clear understanding of how student will access the grade-level/course curriculum, including accommodations, modifications, or supports needed. 24
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support The First Consideration = the General Assessment ARD committees must understand What statewide assessments are required and available (STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS– M, LAT) Assessed TEKS Design and format of each statewide assessment Accommodation policies Implications of taking a particular statewide assessment 25
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support If STAAR, with or without accommodations, is appropriate for a student, the ARD committee must document this decision and the testing accommodations the student will receive. Documented testing accommodations must be consistent with state accommodation policies posted on Accommodations Resources web page. For accommodations that require TEA approval through submission of an Accommodation Request Form, document “pending TEA approval.” 26
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support If STAAR, with or without accommodations, is not appropriate for a student, the ARD committee must review participation requirements for one of the alternate assessments. 27
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support STAAR Modified STAAR Alternate TAKS–M 28
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support TAKS–M Should be used only for students in grade 11 during the 2012–2013 school year Grade 10 TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), and TAKS–M tests will no longer be administered. 29
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Updates to the Proposed Testing Calendar include the following: 30 TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated) exit level tests will continue to be administered to students in grade 11 or above whose testing requirement for graduation is TAKS. However, TAKS–M will no longer be available. Beginning in spring 2014, STAAR Modified will include operational assessments in English III and U.S. history.
STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate ©2012, Region One Education Service CenterWWW.ESC1.NET31Division of Instructional Support
State-Required Documentation Forms The STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate Participation Requirements are state-required documentation forms that must be completed and retained by the district when eligibility for either assessment is confirmed. This document may be filed at the campus level or in the IEP (although it is not a required part of the IEP). ©2012, Region One Education Service CenterWWW.ESC1.NET32Division of Instructional Support
State-Required Documentation Forms The district personnel who completes these forms should be a member of the ARD committee (e.g., special education teacher, ARD facilitator, administrator). These forms should be completed during the ARD committee meeting when assessment decisions are made. ©2012, Region One Education Service CenterWWW.ESC1.NET33Division of Instructional Support
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step 1: Review the Eligibility Criteria Step I: Eligibility Criteria Understand all assessment options Circle the subjects/courses for which STAAR Modified is being considered Circle NA, not applicable, for subjects/courses that do not apply to the student Subjects/courses for which STAAR Modified is not being considered Subjects that are not tested at the student’s grade or courses that the student is not enrolled in for the school year under consideration 34
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step I: Review the Eligibility Criteria STAAR Alternate Eligibility is being considered for all tested subjects in the student’s enrolled grade or all courses the student is enrolled in. If the student is eligible to take STAAR Alternate, then he/she must take this assessment for all subjects/courses. 35
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step 1: Review the Eligibility Criteria Step I: Eligibility Criteria Understand all assessment options Circle the subjects/courses for which STAAR Modified is being considered Circle NA, not applicable, for subjects/courses that do not apply to the student Subjects/courses for which STAAR Modified is not being considered Subjects that are not tested at the student’s grade or courses that the student is not enrolled in for the school year under consideration 36
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step I: Review the Eligibility Criteria STAAR Modified The ARD committee must review each of the three questions for every subject or course being considered and circle YES or NO. 1.Do the student’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statements in the IEP lead the ARD committee to conclude that the student is multiple years behind grade-level or course expectations and will not progress at the same rate and level of rigor as their non-disabled peers? 2.Does the student’s IEP contain standards-based (TEKS-based) goals indicating the modified content the student requires in order to access the grade-level or course curriculum? 3.Does the student require direct and intensive instruction in order to acquire, maintain, and transfer skills to other contexts? 37
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step I: Review the Eligibility Criteria STAAR Alternate The ARD committee must review each of the five questions if STAAR Alternate is being considered, and circle YES or NO. 1.Does the student have a significant cognitive disability? 2.Does the student require specialized supports to access the grade-level curriculum and environment? 3.Does the student require intensive, individualized instruction in a variety of instructional settings? 4.Does the student access and participate in the grade-level TEKS through prerequisite skills? 5.Does the student primarily demonstrate knowledge and skills through performance tasks? 38
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step I: Review the Eligibility Criteria To be eligible to participate in either STAAR Modified or STAAR Alternate, the answer to all of the applicable questions must be Yes. If the answer to any of the questions is No, the student is not eligible to participate in STAAR Modified/STAAR Alternate and must participate in one of the other statewide assessments. 39
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Each Yes answer requires a justification that references the page number or section of the IEP that contains evidence that the student meets the criterion. 40 STAAR Alternate Pg. 2 STAAR Modified PLAAFP section
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances If Yes is indicated for all of the eligibility criteria, the ARD committee must discuss the assurances in Step II and the district personnel completing the form must initial each one. 41
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances When an alternate assessment is selected, IDEA and The Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Special Education Process require ARD committees to document in the IEP: A statement of why student cannot participate in general assessment with or without allowable accommodations, AND… 42
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support A statement of why an alternate assessment is appropriate for student, including evidence from IEP that confirms that answer to each of the questions for STAAR Modified is Yes, AND… A list of testing accommodations consistent with state accommodation policies posted on Accommodations Resources webpage In order to make appropriate accommodation decisions from year to year, their effectiveness should be assessed. Collect data on how the student performs with and without the accommodation. Make available to the student a variety of instructional strategies to see which is most effective. For accommodations that require TEA approval through submission of an Accommodation Request Form, document “pending TEA approval.” 43
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances It is not appropriate to make an assessment decision simply because a student passed or failed a previous statewide assessment. – Example: If a student achieved advanced academic performance on STAAR Modified, this does not automatically mean that the student should now take STAAR. Other factors must be considered. 44
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances ARD committee decisions should be based only on the educational need of a student. If a student meets the participation requirements for STAAR Modified or STAAR Alternate, then he/she should be administered this assessment. 45
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances Students receiving special education services for any qualifying disability category are eligible to take STAAR Modified if the answer to all three eligibility questions is YES. For STAAR Alternate, the ARD committee will focus on evidence of a significant cognitive disability and how the student accesses the grade- level or course curriculum. They will rule out students who have a learning disability and receive modified instruction. Students taking STAAR Modified or STAAR Alternate may be receiving instruction in any setting (e.g., inclusion, resource, self-contained). 46
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances For elementary and middle school students, the ARD committee must understand the future implications that could result if a student is receiving modified instruction or instruction through prerequisite skills from year to year. Modified instruction and instruction through prerequisite skills in high school = MHSP 47
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances As cited in TAC §74.61(e), a high school student who takes STAAR Alternate or at least one STAAR Modified EOC assessment is receiving a different type of instruction (e.g., prerequisite skills, modified) than his/her peers. Therefore, the student will graduate on the MHSP. To graduate on the Recommended or Distinguished Programs, a student must have successful completion on STAAR. 48
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances 49 For high school students, these courses are denoted by a special PEIMS code for each course required on the MHSP.
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances Students are only eligible to take STAAR Modified if they are accessing the curriculum through modified instruction. 50
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II: Discuss Assurances Students are only eligible to take STAAR Alternate if they are accessing the curriculum through prerequisite skills. 51
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step III: Summarize Assessment Decisions STAAR Modified Indicate the subjects in which the student will take STAAR Modified if the eligibility criteria has been met. This step was updated this year to include World History, which will be administered for the first time in spring
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step III: Summarize Assessment Decisions STAAR Modified continued This step will be updated next year to include English III and U.S. History, which will be administered for the first time in spring If a student is enrolled in these courses in 2012– 2013 and receives modified instruction, eligibility for STAAR Modified should still be determined. If the student meets participation requirements for STAAR Modified, the student will not be assessed since these tests are not available. If the student does not meet participation requirements for STAAR Modified OR if eligibility is not determined for these courses, then the student will take STAAR. 53
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step III: Summarize Assessment Decisions STAAR Modified continued STAAR Modified assessments for Algebra II, chemistry, and physics will never be available because the courses are not required on the MHSP. However, eligibility for STAAR Modified should still be determined if a student is enrolled in these courses and receives modified instruction. If the student meets participation requirements for STAAR Modified, the student will not be assessed since these tests are not available. If the student does not meet participation requirements for STAAR Modified OR if eligibility is not determined for these courses, then the student will take STAAR. 54
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step III: Summarize Assessment Decisions STAAR Alternate The ARD committee should indicate the subject(s) or course(s) in which the student is enrolled and for which STAAR Alternate assessments will be given. The ARD committee must ensure the assessment decision and accommodations needed to measure the student’s academic achievement have been documented in the student’s IEP. These accommodations will be the basis for the STAAR Alternate presentation supports, materials, and response modes provided during the assessment observation and recorded on page 1 of the documentation form. 55
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step III: Summarize Assessment Decisions STAAR Alternate continued The student will take STAAR Alternate for all required subjects or enrolled high school courses on the MHSP. 56
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support The ARD committee is required to discuss the participation requirements, complete the State-Required Documentation Form. 57
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 58
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support State-Required Documentation Forms The STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate Participation Requirements are state-required documentation forms that must be completed and retained by the district when eligibility for either assessment is confirmed. This document may be filed at the campus level or in the IEP (although it is not a required part of the IEP). 59
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 60 The district personnel who completes these forms should be a member of the ARD committee (e.g., special education teacher, ARD facilitator, administrator). These forms should be completed during the ARD committee meeting when assessment decisions are made. State-Required Documentation Forms
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support ARD Process for STAAR Alternate Copyright © 2012, Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or portions of this work is prohibited without express written permission from the Texas Education Agency
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support ARD Process for STAAR Alternate Review the participation requirements to determine eligibility, note the justification for the determination on the form, and select the assessment from the state options. Review the assurances to make sure that all critical considerations were discussed before the decision was made. Select the subjects/courses that the student will take and what corresponding assessments are required. Summarize the decisions and determine the instructional accommodations that will serve as the basis for the supports and materials documented on the STAAR Alternate Documentation Form of Student Performance. Develop IEP goals and objectives for the academic instruction that will be provided.
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Participation Requirements Step 1 Review the five requirements to make sure that the student meets all five criteria. Focus on evidence of a significant cognitive disability and how the student accesses the grade-level or course curriculum. The recorded justification does not have to be referenced by IEP page numbers, but should be based on information supplied by an assessment specialist. Rule out students who have a learning disability and receive a modified general education curriculum. Determine who is responsible for verifying the information. Updated Form
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Step II Initial the assurances that verify that the decision was based on evidence and educational need and not on AYP calculations, previous assessment performance, placement or service delivery, or demographic information. Assure that the committee discussed the impact of the decision on graduation plans and determined the courses (PEIMS number) or subjects that will be taken that year. Step III Summarize the assessment decisions. Participation Requirements
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support For grades 3-8, the enrolled grade determines the subjects that will be tested. Students are required to participate in all STAAR Alternate assessments sometime during high school with the exception of the World History/World Geography option. The ARD committee determines what year each high school course and assessment will be taken. For the administration, previous TAKS–Alt high school assessments counted toward the STAAR Alternate testing requirements. English I (Met with TAKS-Alt Grade 9 Reading) English II (Met with TAKS-Alt Grade 10 ELA) English III (Met with TAKS-Alt Grade 11 ELA) Algebra I (Met with TAKS-Alt Grade 9 Math) Geometry (Met with TAKS-Alt Grade 10 Math) Biology (Met with TAKS-Alt Grade 10 Science) World Geography or World History (Met with Grade 10 Social Studies) US History (Met with Grade 11 Social Studies)
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support In , Students could have also received testing credit for a high school course that was taken before STAAR Alternate was developed. The ARD committee must have given the student credit towards the student’s Minimum High School Plan for the course before the course credit can be applied to the testing requirement. Students from other states can still receive testing credit for comparable state assessments or course credits. For , the currently enrolled course will determine the assessment now that previously taken courses or assessments have been factored into the credits for graduation and assessment.
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Audit Results Auditors determined that the complexity level of the assessment tasks was maintained in 94% of the documentation forms evaluated. Auditors concluded that one of the reasons the complexity level was not maintained was because the wrong complexity level and assessment task were selected causing the test administrator to implement the task incorrectly.
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support TAKS-Alt STAAR Alternate Level 314 %20%23%11% Level 243%49%50%55% Level 143%31%27%34% Task Selection Results Data shows that the task selection distribution is not representative of the developmental skill level of the range of students with cognitive disabilities. Level 3 was not selected enough and Level 1 was selected too often.
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support For the 2013 STAAR Alternate administration, either the teacher or the ARD committee can make the complexity level decision. It is recommended that the ARD committee make this decision if an ARD is convened at a time that allows the assessment decisions to be implemented. For the 2014 STAAR Alternate administration, the ARD committee must make the complexity level decision and record the decision on the “STAAR Alternate Participation Requirements” document. As a result, the state will move toward the ARD committee determining the complexity level or combinations of complexity levels that will guide the test administrator to the appropriate selection of the task. For 2013 assessment decisions previously determined, districts do not have to reconvene an ARD meeting to determine the complexity level. The teacher can continue to select the complexity level and tasks until the next regularly scheduled ARD meeting.
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support For the complexity level decision if made by the ARD committee can be written at the bottom of the second page of the form for each assessed subject. For the complexity level decision made by the ARD committee must be recorded at the bottom of the second page of the form for each assessed subject. Reading Grade 6 Complexity Levels 3 and 2 Level 3 Combinations of Level 3 and 2 Level 2 Combinations of Level 2 and 1 Level 1 NRO Options STARTING NOW !
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support After STAAR Alternate has been determined as the most appropriate assessment for a student, the teacher or ARD committee will use this chart to find the best description of the student’s performance before determining the complexity level or combinations of levels to be used for the assessment. Level 3 Indicators of Progress for Level 3 Level 2 Indicators of Progress for Level 2 Level 1 NRO Characteristics Choice Boxes Student Characteristics for the STAAR Alternate Complexity Levels How does the ARD committee or teacher decide the best complexity level for a student?
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support The teacher or ARD committee will then determine that the student should be assessed for that subject on: a specific complexity level (Level 3, Level 2, Level 1, or NRO) for all tasks for all four essence statements per subject or a range between two complexity levels (Levels 3 and 2, Levels 2 and 1) as determined by the indicators of progress box Complexity Level NRO Combinations of Complexity Levels 3 and 2 2 and 1 Solid Complexity Level Description Indicators of Progress Box
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Making the Complexity Level Decision The first step in selecting the complexity level is to pinpoint from the Student Characteristics for the STAAR Alternate Complexity Levels chart which characteristics from a complexity level or indicators of progress box best describes the student’s maximum performance for a given subject. This decision should be based on challenging expectations and be indicative of how the student is expected to perform after instruction. The teacher or the ARD committee will make the decision for which complexity level or combinations of complexity levels are appropriate for a student for each subject being assessed.
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support For more details on determining the complexity levels, refer to these resources available on the STAAR Alternate Resources page. Process for Selecting the Complexity Level for STAAR Alternate
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Finalizing the Assessment Task Selection If the teacher or ARD committee recommended a combination of two complexity levels, the teacher will make the final decision of which task between the two complexity level options will be used for the primary observation. then When a combination of complexity levels are being considered, at least one task at the higher complexity level must be chosen! The teacher becomes the test administrator and prepares for the primary observation by: providing additional instruction according to TEA resource documents determining the presentation supports, materials, and response modes appropriate for each task documenting the preplanning decision on page one of the state-required documentation form
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support If the ARD committee makes the decision regarding the complexity level or levels to be used for the assessment, the decision will need to be recorded and the teacher must abide by the decision. If the teacher determines at any time that the complexity level decision made by the ARD committee needs to be reviewed either due to student progress or regression, the ARD committee must reconvene and determine the new complexity level decision following the same process as outlined in this presentation. Keep in mind.... If the student is clearly described by the characteristics in one of the complexity level boxes, it is inappropriate to assess that student at a lower complexity level. It is inappropriate to assess a student at a lower complexity level just to improve his or her score on the assessment. Students who demonstrate skills on tasks independently or with cueing should not be moved to a lower complexity level. Supervisors may monitor the teacher selection of the assessment task to ensure that the student is being challenged with the most appropriate task. ARD Considerations Challenging Students
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support All resources for STAAR Alternate can be accessed at To speak to a member of the STAAR Alternate Team at TEA, call
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support All assessment information must be communicated to campus testing coordinator in preparation for statewide testing. 78
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©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 80
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Student Success Initiative (SSI) Multiple SSI administrations are listed on the testing calendar revised June 1, Districts will be notified when updated SSI material becomes available. Consideration for special populations will be included in the new material districts will receive. 81
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Commissioner’s Rule on Substitute High School Courses Policy: TAC § (b)(3) Districts are allowed to provide locally developed substitute courses for those required on the MHSP for some students receiving special education services. The content of these locally developed substitute courses must be fully aligned to the TEKS for the courses they replace. Students will be required to participate in an EOC assessment (general, modified, or alternate) for the course that has been substituted. 82
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Cumulative Score Requirement For students receiving special education services who take STAAR EOC assessments ARD committee determines whether or not student has to meet cumulative score requirement in order to graduate. This decision has bearing on whether student can graduate on the DAP, RHSP, or MHSP. 83
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Cumulative Score Requirement– continued Current legislation does not include a cumulative score requirement for students taking STAAR Modified or STAAR Alternate EOC assessments 84
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 15% Grading Requirement For students taking STAAR The 2/22/12 To the Administrator Addressed letter regarding the 15% Grade Deferral applied only to the school year. Currently, the assumption is that the 15% grading requirement is in effect for the school year. Review the Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Under consideration is whether the 15% grading requirement applies to the 2012 December test administrations. 85
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 15% Grading Requirement– continued For students taking Alternate Assessments Districts are not required to count STAAR Modified or STAAR Alternate EOC assessment results as 15% of the student’s course grade since current legislation does not include this requirement for students taking a modified or alternate assessment. 86
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Graduation: STAAR You can access the external link to the Special Education Graduation Flowcharts from the ARD Committee Resources web page. Review the presentation link that walks you through the flowchart. 87
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Graduation: TAKS Graduation flowcharts A and B are posted on the ARD Committee Resources web page under “TAKS.” Flowchart A: For students taking TAKS who entered grade 9 in 2008 – 2009 and thereafter. Flowchart B: For students taking TAKS who entered grade 9 prior to 2008 –
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support (webpages) 89
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Navigating the Website Go to the Student Assessment homepage Click Accommodations Resources in the index on the left. 90
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Navigating the Website TEA TETN #14294
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Navigating the Website TEA TETN #14294 Click here Or here
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Navigating the Website You are in the right place. Just scroll down.
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Navigating the Website 94
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 95
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Critical Information about Accommodations for Students with Disabilities The following information applies to students with disabilities in the STAAR program and TELPAS For the purposes of using testing accommodations during the statewide assessments, a student with a disability can be Special education with an identified disability Section 504 with an identified disability Neither special education nor Section 504 but with a disabling condition (with or without a diagnosis) 96 TEA TETN #14294
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodation Definition What it IS 97 What it IS NOT Changes to the performance criteria or content Necessary for every student Replace the teaching of the TEKS Intended to provide a student with an advantage Be continued without evidence of effectiveness Provided to an entire group of students Are changes to materials, procedures, or techniques Allow a student with disabilities to participate in grade-level or course instruction Should be individualized Can change over the course of the school year based on student needs May be appropriate for classroom use but not allowed on the statewide assessment Should be evaluated regularly to determine effectiveness
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodations during Instruction versus Statewide Assessment Facts: The use of accommodations occurs primarily during classroom instruction. Classroom instruction allows for any techniques and tools to meet the educational needs of each student. The statewide assessment is a standardized tool for measuring every student’s learning in a reliable, valid, and secure manner. Accommodations that invalidate what is being assessed or compromise the security of the test cannot be allowed. 98
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodations during Instruction versus Statewide Assessment Facts: Routine use, student independence, and effectiveness are important considerations when determining accommodations. It is acceptable to withhold an accommodation during instruction when determining whether it is effective and/or still necessary for the student. Some students outgrow certain accommodations while other students continue to need them throughout the school year or over several years. 99
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodations during Instruction versus Statewide Assessment Myths: A teacher should only use accommodations during classroom instruction and testing if it is also allowed on the statewide assessment Routine accommodation use means every day of the school year If a student has EVER used an accommodation in the classroom, use it during the statewide assessment 100
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodations during Instruction versus Statewide Assessment Summary: Policies for accommodation use on statewide assessments should not limit an educator’s ability to develop individualized materials and techniques to facilitate student learning. Instruction is when learning occurs. Instruction comes first, lasts longer, and can be customized to meet the needs of each student. Unlike instruction, statewide assessments must be standardized so that student results can be compared and interpreted. 101
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Therefore… Some accommodations may be appropriate and suitable for classroom use but may not be allowed for use on a statewide assessment. 102
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodations in Unexpected or Emergency Situations First, look at the Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials. Second, look at the Accommodation Triangle. Consider and encourage student independence when appropriate. Contact TEA if the student requires a Type 3 accommodation; additional instructions are provided by TEA for some accommodations. Record the accommodation on the answer document and consider it when interpreting test results. 103
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support The Accommodation Triangle Type 1 – for students with a specific need who routinely, independently, and effectively use the accommodation during classroom instruction and testing Type 2 – includes requirements of Type 1 plus additional specific eligibility criteria Type 3– for students who meet all the eligibility criteria listed; submit an Accommodation Request Form (ARF) to TEA; document as “pending TEA approval;” if denied by TEA, campus must be prepared to meet student’s needs with allowable accommodations 104
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 105 For STAAR program and TELPAS But…Not all accommodations are applicable to all assessments.
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©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support This type of document opens when the link to an accommodation in the triangle is clicked. 107
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Eligibility Criteria This section lists the criteria that a student must meet to use the accommodation. Checkboxes are provided for possible record- keeping. 108
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Eligibility Criteria Supplemental Aid example– the committee must check each of the boxes in the circle below. All boxes must be checked, not just one. 109
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Eligibility Criteria Photocopy example– sometimes the criteria includes “meets at least one of the following.” The first 3 boxes must be checked; then there are choices for the 4 th box. You must pick at least one based on student need. 110
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©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Math Scribe Type 3 accommodation This accommodation allows a test administrator to record a student’s dictated scratch work and computations when a disabling condition prevents the student from accomplishing this task independently
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Type 3 accommodation Applies only to students who meets the eligibility criteria STAAR Mathematics and Science (grades 3–8 and EOC) STAAR L (grades 3–8 and EOC) STAAR Modified (grades 3–8 and EOC) STAAR L (grades 3–8 and EOC) STAAR Spanish Mathematics and Science (grades 3–5) 113
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Submit an Accommodation Request Form to TEA routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, is unable to effectively use Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials (e.g., various sizes or types of scratch paper/another workspace) or other accommodations (e.g., calculator) to address this need, and meets at least one of the following: The student has a temporary or permanent impairment in vision that necessitates the use of braille or large-print test materials. has a disability that affects accuracy in tracking letter to letter, word to word, and/or line to line The student has a temporary or permanent physically disabling condition (e.g., muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, arthritis, physical abnormality) that prevents him or her from independently and effectively recording scratch work and computations. 114
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Type 3 Accommodations Available for students who meet all of the eligibility criteria and An Accommodation Request Form is submitted to TEA. Any accommodation that requires the submission and approval of an Accommodation Request Form must be documented in the student’s paperwork as "pending TEA approval." 3 115
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©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodation Policies with Changes Oral Administration Spelling Assistance Mathematics Manipulatives Dictionary Complex Transcribing 118
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Oral Administration Additions: Required reference materials may be read aloud to an eligible student Required dictionaries for reading and writing tests Required math and science reference materials Student Scenarios to clarify FAQs Clarification: Allowable accommodations may be read aloud to an eligible student (e.g., dictionary or supplemental aid) 119 2
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Oral Administration Still prohibited: Reading selections may never be read aloud to a student. Revising and editing passages, test questions, and answer choices may never be read aloud to a student. 120 TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Oral Administration “ Why can’t the test administrator read aloud the questions prior to the student reading the passage? This is a valid reading strategy for struggling readers.” The student who does not receive an oral administration can approach the test questions any way he/she chooses. However, the student receiving an oral administration of the entire test does not have this latitude since the test administrator must read the questions and answers in the order presented. The oral administration must have a standardized format across the state. When a test administrator is interacting with a student to this degree during statewide testing, very specific guidelines must be laid out
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Oral Administration “What does ‘have evidence of a reading difficulty’ mean? One grade-level behind? Two or more? Qualifies for special education in reading?” “Evidence of reading difficulties” is not intended to mean that the student is identified as learning disabled in reading. Nor does it mean that a student is a certain number of years below grade level. Some students may have a disability, either cognitive or emotional for instance, that directly impacts their ability to decode text. The documentation must contain evidence that the student has reading difficulties and is receiving accommodations to support this need. Example Evidence: diagnostic test results, observational reports, class grades with and without reading support, goals/objectives 122 2
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Oral Administration Remember: Just because a student has reading difficulties doesn’t mean an oral administration is going to help. This accommodation should be used only for students who use it ROUTINELY and EFFECTIVELY in the class. “Evidence” = documentation “Reading Difficulties” = a problem reading Don’t focus on the student’s disability or label Focus on the accommodations the student is using in class to address his/her needs 123 2
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Spelling Assistance Deletion under Examples/Types: The dictionary for grade 4 writing has been removed from Spelling Assistance and added to the Dictionary accommodation policy. A dictionary is still allowed as a form of spelling assistance, just under a different policy. This was done so that all dictionary accommodations were located under one policy
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Spelling Assistance New bullet under Special Instructions/ Considerations: Internet access must be disabled when using technology-based methods (e.g., word processor, software) as spelling assistance. 125 TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Mathematics Manipulatives Addition under Examples/Types: Translucent (tracing) paper 126 TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Dictionary Additions: Description now includes the dictionary as a form of spelling assistance for grade 4 writing tests (in addition to facilitating comprehension of unfamiliar words for reading tests) Now applies to grade 4 writing test (as well as grades 3- 5 reading tests) Eligibility now addresses student needs for spelling assistance on writing tests (as well as memory retrieval/decoding on reading tests) 127 TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Complex Transcribing Changes to Eligibility Criteria: Meets at least one of the following Temporary or permanent impairment in vision… Temporary or permanent physically disabling condition (e.g., muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, arthritis, physical abnormality of the hands) that prevents him or her from independently and effectively recording responses… 128 TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Complex Transcribing The following examples clarify how ARFs are approved or denied by TEA. These are ONLY EXAMPLES. They do not represent every approval or denial. They are not intended to provide “key words” for an approval of an ARF. All ARF decisions are based on individual student needs and whether the school has exhausted all other options. 129 TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Complex Transcribing: Denied Complex Transcribing is NOT for students who spell poorly or cannot organize and develop a written response. This is part of what is being scored on the assessment. 130 TEA TETN #14294 Translation: When I went on the cruise they had lobster bisque with shrimp and butter, escargot, lobster. Big twisted slide…
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Complex Transcribing: Approved Complex Transcribing IS for students who cannot produce a written response through handwriting, typing, speech-to- text, etc. This accommodation shouldn’t be provided so that the student can pass the assessment. It should be provided because it’s the only way the student can access the written composition portion of the assessment. Example: Student has severe cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy in which he has no use/limited use of hands. Holding a writing utensil may be painful, impossible, or ineffective (e.g., would take a week to complete a response because of the rate student writes). Typing or speech-to-text may not be available, not appropriate, or not mastered yet. 131 TEA TETN #14294
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 132
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodation Policies with No Changes (Clarifications Only) Individual or Small-Group Administration Reminders to Stay on Task Amplification Devices Projection Devices Manipulating Test Materials Calculation Devices Basic Transcribing Supplemental Aids Large Print Braille Photocopying Test Materials Other Not all of the accommodations listed here have a slide summarizing the clarifications. TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodation Policies with No Changes (Clarifications Only) Individual or Small-Group Administration Reminders to Stay on Task Amplification Devices Projection Devices Manipulating Test Materials Calculation Devices Basic Transcribing Supplemental Aids Large Print Braille Photocopying Test Materials Other Not every clarification is summarized here. TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Clarifications to Many Policies A student who uses this accommodation/procedure/ material may need to complete the test in a separate setting to eliminate distractions to other students and to ensure the confidentiality of the test. Testing in a separate setting for this purpose is not considered the Individual or Small-Group Administration accommodation. This new statement appears with many accommodations as well as optional test administration procedures/materials. Intended to eliminate any confusion about when to mark Type 1 on the answer document to indicate an Individual or Small-Group Administration. 135
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Manipulating Test Materials Added to Examples/Types: Highlighting per student directions “…per student directions” to each example Added to Special Instructions/Considerations: Manipulating test materials must be done by a trained test administrator who has signed the “Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for Test Administrator.” This includes the bottom section of the oath for test administrators who are authorized to view secure statewide assessments… 136 2
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Calculation Devices No changes to the eligibility criteria Added a Student Scenario 137 TEA TETN #
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Basic Transcribing No changes to eligibility criteria Clarifications to Special Instructions/ Considerations: The student must be given the full time allotted to complete the entire test. If necessary, the test administrator may transfer the student's final responses onto the answer document after the testing period has ended. In this situation, the test administrator must ensure that he or she can read and understand the student's intended responses. Any interaction with the student regarding the intended responses is prohibited after the testing period has ended
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Supplemental Aids Teachers create supplemental aids to meet the needs of students during instruction. TEA does not create supplemental aids. In the TAKS program, teachers submitted ARFs with attached supplemental aids to TEA for review in consideration for use on the statewide assessments. This was how the list of allowable supplemental aids started
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Supplemental Aids Any additions to the allowable list need to come from teachers as specific examples of what their students are using in the classroom to support the TEKS. In the 2012 feedback, many educators suggested we add more high-school math or science supplemental aids. But these suggestions did not include any specific examples
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Supplemental Aids Clarifications to Special Instructions/ Considerations: Supplemental aids should be individualized for each student…it is not appropriate to provide all students the exact same set of supplemental aids
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Photocopying Test Materials Clarifications to Special Instructions/ Considerations: The following documents may be photocopied for use during testing without submitting an ARF: Test administration directions given verbally before/after testing Blank answer documents (not for training students how to use the answer document before testing) The state-supplied mathematics graph paper The state supplied reference materials for grade 8 science, chemistry, physics, Algebra I, geometry, and Algebra II 142 3
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Photocopying Test Materials Clarifications to Special Instructions/ Considerations: The state-supplied mathematics reference materials for grades 3-8 contain rulers that could be distorted when photocopied or enlarged, thus resulting in inaccurate measurements. Call TEA’s Accommodations Task Force for guidance
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Other This category is for accommodations for students with disabilities who have unique needs that are not specifically addressed in the Accommodation Triangle Type 3 = ARF Added under Examples/Types: Examples that MAY fit the category of Other Assistive technology that is not addressed under Examples/Types of accommodation policies 144 3
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©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Extra Time (Same Day) Proposing a few additions Eligibility Criteria Student Scenarios Clarifications to better distinguish between medical breaks to the nurse and the Extra Time accommodation policy Will be trained at the October 16 TETN 146 2
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Extra Day Proposing a few additions Eligibility Criteria Will be trained at the October 16 TETN 147 TEA TETN #
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©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials Not testing accommodations Located in 2013 DCCM Test Administration Manuals webpage Related resource under Accommodations for Students with Disabilities webpage May be provided to any student based on his or her needs but not intended for every student in a classroom or disability category 149
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials Student must have sufficient experience using it and it must be effective in meeting student needs Should be made available to students who need them but cannot require their use Local documentation only for planning during test day 150
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials Added “Special Lighting Conditions” natural lighting or desk lamps are just 2 examples Added examples of “Scratch Paper or Another Workspace” blank paper, colored paper, lined paper, graph paper, butcher paper, adhesive notes, chalkboard, white board 151
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials Added example under “Blank Place Markers” bubbling tool / bubbling template Added Crayons to “Highlighters and Colored Pencils” 152
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials Changed requirements for “Reading Aloud or Signing the Writing Prompt” For any student who requests this assistance New: If the IEP/IAP documentation includes this assistance, the student does not have to request it; the test administrator can just read it Applies only to the personal narrative, expository, literary, or persuasive writing prompts The English III analytical prompt may never be read aloud to any student. 153
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Guidelines for Recording Accommodations on the Answer Document Added and clarified: Mark the accommodation type for each accommodation that is documented and made available to the student, even if the student did not use the accommodation during testing. A similar process for recording accommodations applies to the online test 154
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Deadlines for Accommodation Request Forms Accommodation Request Forms must be received by TEA far enough in advance to allow time for processing. This is usually at least one week prior to the Monday of a testing week or window. Requests sent after this deadline will NOT be processed unless circumstances involving the student change after the deadline (e.g., newly enrolled student, medical emergency, updated ARD committee decision). In these circumstances, the district testing coordinator should contact TEA’s Student Assessment Division at for further instructions. 155
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Deadlines for Accommodation Request Forms Test AdministrationSubmission Deadline October 22-25, 2012 TAKS & TAKS (Accommodated) XL Retests December 3-7, 2012 STAAR English I, II, & III Reading and Writing December 3-14, 2012 STAAR End-of-Course Assessment Window October 15, 5:00 PM CST November 26, 5:00 PM CST 156
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Accommodations for Students in the TAKS Program Students in grade 11 or taking exit-level TAKS Use the Accommodations Manual TAKS Accommodations Resources at
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support TEA Student Assessment Division Contact Information Check the webpages for latest postings before calling. Call if you need quick answers (512) 463–
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support 159
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support Standard–Based IEP Training Part I Workshop: #38048 Dates: October 19 & 20, 2012 Place:Starr Room Region One ESC Time: 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Workshop: #38050 Dates: January 25 & 26, 2013 Place: Holiday Inn Brownsville, TX Time: 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Part II Workshop: #35551 Dates: February 12, 2013 Place:Holiday Inn Brownsville, TX Time: 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. 160
©2012, Region One Education Service Center NETDivision of Instructional Support REGION 1 ESC Contacts Debbie Buchanan Education Specialist–Evaluation (956) 984–6202 Vicki Payne Rainwater Education Specialist–Inclusion (956) 984–