A Green Gurdwara is an eco-friendly building which is kind to air, water and land, it is a model of Green Architect and centre of Environment awareness. Along with this...
Green Architect to reduce the heating or cooling energy use adding green landscapes
Solar Energy systems to run electricity to run the Langar Hall
Power saving appliances and habits 5-Star electrical appliances in office and shrine Switching off when not required
Rainwater Harvesting for re-use (via storage tanks) for recharge
Bio-gas plants to run the free kitchens fuelled by Animal waste (where applicable) OR langar/kitchen waste + garden waste
Water re-use water from sarovars (where applicable) OR water from utensil cleaning area
Use of eco-friendly products Gurdwara should be no plastic zone use of eco-friendly cleaning products
Waste re-cycling kitchen composting garden composting
Organic food / kitchen gardens to promote health and awareness promote organic agriculture on Gurdwara owned land
Green nagar-kirtans to promote health and awareness to spread love for eco-friendly celebrations
Environment notice boards to add environment teachings to board Gurdwara’s eco-projects to paste Gurdwara’s eco-plans, accomplishments, pictures from green nagar kirtans, sikh environment day, plantation drives and other steps taken in favour of environment by the Gurdwara and the associated community
Celebrating 14 th March as “Sikh Environment Day” and involving the sangat at larger level...