Class Expectations & Course Objectives
What is expected of you? Be Respectful Please be respectful to other individual’s thoughts, ideas, opinions as well as their belongings and space. As always, respect goes both ways. Be a Critical Thinker Ask the how and why questions. Draw conclusions and make connections. One goal of this class is to stretch your mind into directions that are unfamiliar.
What is expected of you? Be your own Writer/Reader Take this opportunity to learn about your own style of writing. I will be using several different teaching styles so that you can learn what works best for you. At the same time, be willing to try out new ways of learning. By doing so, you can express your individual ideas, thoughts, and opinions so others understand you best. Be a Contributor My goal is to make this classroom conducive to learning. What does that mean? That your discussions, thoughts, ideas, opinions and actions are relevant to what is taking place in the classroom so that others are not being distracted from learning.
What will you need? Your own notebook for writing assignment, notes, vocabulary terms and definitions, etc. The current reading material A writing utensil
What will be graded? Reading quizzes Paragraphs Vocabulary quizzes Journal entries Independent reading Essay/s Large project/s
How will you be graded? Grades will conform to school policy. Major assignments will be recorded in the grade book twice. You may have one late assignment per semester. Once that is used, I will not receive late assignments. If you will be gone when an assignment is due, you need to speak with me before the due date to make other arrangements. You are responsible for your assignments. If you miss a graded assignment, you have seven days to make up the work before it is counted as a zero in the grade book. This applies to missing class due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances. Once again, you are responsible for your assignments.
What will you be reading? Three to Four Novels Short Stories Poetry Selections Journal Articles
What will you be writing? Paragraphs Personal Essays Research Essays Poetry Song Lyrics Brochures
What do I need to know about journal entries? Why write a journal? Writing in a journal helps to develop your own style of writing and voice. To experiment with writing in different forms: personal, literary, etc. Writing in a journal is your opportunity to share your opinions, ideas, etc. It also helps to develop your critical thinking skills. How often will you write? Journal entries are due every Friday, by the end of the day. You can work on these after completing your vocabulary tests. There may be other opportunities during the week for you to write in your journals as well. How long are journal entries? Each class has a designated length for their journal entries. Freshmen: 100 words Sophomores: 150 words Juniors & Seniors: 200 words Depending on the prompt, this word limit may change. If it does change, you will be notified in the writing prompt.
What do I need to know about journal entries? What will you write about? Topics will vary each week. You will be given two options to choose from each week. Who will read my journal? I will be reading your journal every other week. Additionally, I will be the only individual reading your journals. Journals will not be discussed with others except for these situations: You write about harming yourself You write about being abused at home or at school You write about terroristic threats How will journals be graded? If you meet the journal entry criteria and put forth your best effort, you will receive a 100%. If you fail to meet criteria and put forth little or no effort, you will receive a reduced or failing grade.
What do I need to know about independent reading? Why independent reading? Independent reading gives you an opportunity to explore other types and genres that you didn’t know you enjoyed. It’s also good practice! How often will we discuss your independent reading materials? Each quarter you and I will set up a short conference to discuss what you have been reading. You are responsible for setting up the short conference with me before the quarter has ended.
What do I need to know about independent reading? How much do I need to read? Each class has a designated number of pages: Freshmen & Sophomores: 250 pages Juniors & Seniors: 300 pages You are responsible for choosing your materials. Once you have chosen a piece, please have it approved by me. Materials must be school appropriate. I will keep track of the materials that you read. You will be given time in class on Fridays to read your independent reading materials. How will independent reading be graded? Each page you read is worth one point. For example, if you read 250 pages, you will receive a 100%. If you choose to only read 125 pages, you will receive a 50%.
What do I need to know about vocabulary quizzes? Each week you will be responsible for knowing 10 to 20 new words and two literary terms. The vocabulary words and literary terms will be introduced to you on the first day of the school week. You will be tested over these materials on Friday or the last day of that week for short weeks. You will be graded on correct spelling, grammatical usage and usage in a sentence. In regards to the literary terms, you will be graded on definition.
What is the Boggle Board? Hidden within the Boggle Board are prefixes and suffixes. Can you find them? Once you have found a prefix or suffix, point it out to me, define it and identify one word that uses that prefix or suffix. Your reward = one point to be used on any assignment that semester. I will periodically ask you what assignments you would like your points added to. Once a prefix or suffix has been found, no one else can claim it. You can accrue up to five points a semester.