Green Market Albania
Green Market Albania GREEN MARKET offers: Daily wholesale and retail prices on line for a broad specter of agricultural food and commodities and Advertisement of the best market offers from domestic and foreign agriculture and food markets Daily news about the sector developments anywhere occurring in the world Statistics about production and yields, prices trends etc Updated custom references for imported goods and much more…..
GREEN MARKET ALBANIA Why Green Market? INFORMATION IS POWER Producers want to know what market requires most. They want to know who the purchaser is and what his/her requirements about are. Traders want to know what ultimate costumers want. Traders want to know if there’s a shortage in domestic market and run to fill it. Agro industries in the middle of this chain representing the small and medium entrepreneurship. Buying raw materials in the country or abroad?. Are they so good to export, where and with what prices? For exporters and importers is always good to know as many suppliers and buyers in the region and worldwide, be alert about domestic market shortages in real time. Be connected with the demand.
What else Green Market Albania offers? A unique combination of Marketing Information System combined with on line business to business Forecasts on domestic production Information through Internet (on line) at already available and Teletext at KOHA TV updated on daily basis focusing on key domestic and food markets and all these show: (i) product availabilities (ii) product quantities (iii) prevailing prices Periodical TV show called “Time for Green Market” with analysis on domestic production and trade, events in regional and worldwide markets etc. Green Market Albania have created and owns the database of the most important producers, agro industries and exporters/importers in Albania
GREEN MARKET ALBANIA Green Market Albania act as a commercial agency as well and owns stores and refrigerator rooms for agricultural products and food ones in general The range of services as a commercial agency lies on self financing of projects, co financing of projects and playing the role of contractor for potential investors, banks etc. Other activities: Risk Evaluation for the insurance of agricultural productsRisk Evaluation for the insurance of agricultural products Environmental Impact EvaluationEnvironmental Impact Evaluation Project designProject design Specialized studies in the field of agriculture and food including regional marketing strategiesSpecialized studies in the field of agriculture and food including regional marketing strategies Market researchMarket research Food safety, standart and certification for food and agroproductsFood safety, standart and certification for food and agroproducts Green Market Albania has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with USAID AAC project in Albania for common activities in the field of marketing of agricultural outputs Green Market Albania has signed collaboration agreements with Commercial Center for Fruits and Vegetables in Fasano, Brindisi Italy, Fruits Market of Florina, Greece, most important municipalities of Albania, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania etc.
Partnerships Signed collaboration agreements with most important municipalities in the country, producers associations, University of Agriculture of Tirana (Faculty of Agriculture and Environment), wholesale markets of Puglia, Italy A memorandum of Understanding was signed recently with USAID AAC project in Albania.Signed collaboration agreements with most important municipalities in the country, producers associations, University of Agriculture of Tirana (Faculty of Agriculture and Environment), wholesale markets of Puglia, Italy A memorandum of Understanding was signed recently with USAID AAC project in Albania. Representative of Wholesale Markets Foundation (Central European Initiative) in AlbaniaRepresentative of Wholesale Markets Foundation (Central European Initiative) in Albania Contributing in the design of new CEI WM ( Foundation website, which emphasis wholesale market prices exchange between CEI members (Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Ukraine, Poland, Croatia and Albania)Contributing in the design of new CEI WM ( Foundation website, which emphasis wholesale market prices exchange between CEI members (Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Ukraine, Poland, Croatia and Albania)
GREEN MARKET ALBANIA Domestic Wholesale Markets. Farmers Markets MIS Main Food Exporters and Importers Main B2B source Big retailers MIS (mainly advertising) and B2B Regional Wholesale Markets MIS and B2B Big Farmers, PFA. and Medium sized Agro industry B2B Small farmers and small processors MIS