LPA LAW FIRM ALBANIA www. lpalbania.com
LPA LAW FIRM ALBANIA www. lpalbania.com
LPA LAW FIRM ALBANIA www. lpalbania.com
Quality Management Consulting, ISO Consulting Services LPA LAW FIRM ALBANIA Quality Consulting has the hands-on experience and expertise to effectively coach your organization and to correctly interpret the quality standard for your particular application. We have worked hand-in-hand with a wide variety of clients including companies in aerospace, manufacturing, electronics, education, staffing and professional societies. The organizations have ranged in size from very small to very large, with one site or multiple locations. We work with only the most reputable registrars to ensure your certification has the proper national and international recognition for your industry. We also ensure your registrar "partner" is well suited to work with you to continually improve your quality management system and organizational effectiveness. Savvy business leaders know how to employ outside expertise to their company's advantage. LPA LAW FIRM ALBANIA is a full service, hands-on quality consulting firm specializing in the establishment, implementation and improvement of quality management systems, quality auditing and training. Our work provides the necessary information and useful insight to help you become a more profitable company through implementation of effective quality management principles that drive organizational health and effectiveness. Industries Served Manufactured Goods Education Distribution Staffing Retail Our custom tailored services begin with a thorough understanding of your unique organization. That information is then analyzed in context of the applicable quality system for application to meet your business objectives. To date, we have worked with customers in: Retail Airports Analytical Laboratory Professional Associations ISO 9000 ISO 9001 ISO ISO 14001:2004 ISO
LPA LAW FIRM ALBANIA www. lpalbania.com LPABIZ Authorities
LPA LAW FIRM -ALBANIA IFC -ASELA PRESENTATION MAY 2012 LPA LAW FIRM ALBANIA Ltd Themistokli Germenji St. ‘Saltik’ Building 2 nd Floor Mob: Mob: Office: