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Presentation transcript:

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Nina Nikolova “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia, Bulgaria International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Outline Introduction - actuality of the problem - objectives of the research Methods - questionnaire Results Conclusion International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Introduction The analyses of long time-series bring to better understanding climate system, the changes in it, and the consequences for the human race and the environment. That is way rescue of climate records and especially availability of long-term series in a digital form is very important for scientific and practical works. The objective of present analyses is data rescue (DARE) activities over Balkan region. The aim is to identify and generalize status, progress and obstacles for rescue and digitizing of climate data. International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Methods - questionnaire In order to receive necessary information the questionnaire was sent to meteorological services in Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. The questionnaire contains the following parts: A.General information B.Meteo data rescue activities C.Inventory of digitized data D.Inventory of not digitized data E.Assessment of meteorological archives and data availability F.Problems, constraints and recommendations International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Results More than 50 % of questionnaire was filled. The organizations which have filled questionnaire are follows: Albania - Hydrometeorological Institute, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Federal Hydro Meteorological Institute B&H, FYR Macedonia - Hydrometeorological Service of Macedonia Montenegro - Hydrometeorological Institute, Romania - National Meteorological Administration, Turkey - Turkish State Meteorological Service Due to contact with researchers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Serbia, we believe that the present study will be completed after DARE workshop discussions. The results will be published at the workshop report. International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION A.General information Number of stations, included in the meteorological network International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION B. Meteo Data rescue activities Software used for: International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007 Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina FIR Macedonia MontenegroRomania Turkey data entry ASCII format CLIDATA CLICOM MsAccess, Visual Fox, ORACLE MetDAS data manage ment software prepared in HMI ORACLEDATAEASE MsAccess, MsExcel, Clicom, ORACLE Informix

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Have you developed your own software for data base building? International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007 CountriesDetails YesRomania software for data validation, software for data uploading, web interfaces that offers acces to data. Turkey MetDAS generated with informix 4GL No Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FIR Macedonia, Montenegro

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Available equipment for data rescue International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Do you work for data rescue strategy development? International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007 Yes, we have developed strategyYes, we are developing strategyNo Albania X Bosnia and Herzegovina CLIDATA and ORACLE. 40 % of historical archive is captured with digital camera, and archived on the computer FYR Macedonia X Montenegro X Romania activities aiming at digitizing the data. A strategy at department level is under construction Turkey One key entry software generated with informix 4GL and all the climate book digitized from 1926 to today

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION C. Inventory of digitized data Percentage of digitized meteorological data International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION C. Inventory of digitized data Station history (metadata) in digital format International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION D. Inventory of not digitized data International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007 Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina RomaniaTurkey Longest not digitized record precipitation 60 years, daily precipitation From 1974 to date, Amount, duration and intensity of rainfalls on specific intervals; Ice deposition; Hail Since ; Pressure, temp, RH%, wind speed&direction Sources where not digitalized data are kept archive, paper sheets paper archive in a special repository Some of the record stored in TSMS museum, but some of them couldn’t be found FYR Macedonia and Montenegro did not answer of this question

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION E. Assessment of meteorological archives and data availability state of archives International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007 Paper archiveDigital data

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Data availability  According answers of the questionnaire the countries from Balkan region provide free meteo- data for scientific work (faculty, master and PhD programes) and in some cases for governmental institutions. The data are available upon payment for public, private firms, insurance companies and other request.  It is very important to establish well working scheme for exchanging data between meteo- and other institutions International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Is there any meteorological data base for your country which is held outside of your organization? International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007 Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina FYR MacedoniaMontenegroRomania Turkey Yes Synoptic Centre (under Ministry of Defense) Hydrometerorlo gical Institute of Republic of Serbia (about 10 %) goverment and scientific institutions (about 3 – 4 %) State archive; Goverment statistical Department NOAA, Met- Office, IPCC No XX

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION D. Problems, constraints and recommendations International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION Recommendation for fostering data rescue activities Better promotion of the importance of metadata would trigger more interest and funds for rescuing activities; Authorities should be aware of historical observations, and it must be allocated enough budgets to translate and to digitize them All countries point out that training in data rescue activity is necessary. International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007

STATUS, CONSTRAINTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING DARE ACTIVITIES OVER THE BALKANS REGION THANK YOU Author appreciates very much questionnaire answers from Prof.Dr. Eglantina Bruci from Hydrometeorological Institute, Albania, Mr Zeljko Majstorovic from Federal Hydro Meteorological Institute, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Zoran Dimitrovski, Hydrometeorological Service of Macedonia, Mrs Vera Andrijasevic from Hydrometeorological Institute, Montenegro, Ms Elena Toma and Dr Sorin Cheval National Meteorological Administration, Romania and Eng. Serhat Sensoy from Turkish State Meteorological Service. I am grateful to Dr. Manola Brunet from University Rovira i Virgili for the invitation for International Workshop on the Rescue and Digitization of Historical Climate Records. International Workshop on Rescue & Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin, Tarragona, Spain, November 2007