24 Month MEETING - Tirana, 01 October 2013 EcoPlasBrick – Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field ACA ALBANIAN CONSTRUCTION ASSOCATION
24 Month MEETING - Tirana, 01 October 2013 FAIR Concert Hall, Tirana, Albania Construction Albania 2013 Organizers - ACA Stand Goals – To present at students benefits of using new technology Company representative show their interest about product FAQ: Price, Material, Resistance, Usage March 28 –
24 Month MEETING - Tirana, 01 October 2013 March 28 –
24 Month MEETING - Tirana, 01 October 2013
BANK AGREMENT Organizers - ACA & BKT Goals – Financing schemes on using new technology saving energy and reducing costs Ongoing National Commercial Bank (BKT) has started a financing program on using green energy on new and old houses called “Green Loan” - Benefits: Reduce and maintain control of monthly electricity costs - Better conditions of living (more convenience) - Increased property value and standard - Protecting the environment Both parts show interest about project and possibility to finance it in future
24 Month MEETING - Tirana, 01 October ml euro are the arrears towards construction companies in Albania 4 years 70 % of companies are involved This gap has pushed toward bankrupting the biggest contraction companies in Albania Finding new ways of investments might be an interesting mile stone for the next years
24 Month MEETING - Tirana, 01 October 2013 Ndertuesi (The Builder) Magazine Starting for January in every issue of Ndertuesi “The Builder” Magazine will be published a full advertise page.
24 Month MEETING - Tirana, 01 October 2013 THANK YOU