Actions and plans A success path to Roma women empowerment. With the support of the European Union project “Empowerment Campaign for Roma Women” grant agreement reference 2011/ that runs from November 30th 2011 till November 29th 2014 financed by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Enlargement, IPA Programme
Place Albania Tirana Fier Korce Durres Pogradec Vlore Berat (and not only…)
Space 8-th of April; Music and photography bring people together… Photo exhibition and a Roma band in the background. Different sides of one reality Approximately 200 visitors, non-Roma singing Roma songs.
Space 8-th of April; Commemorating the Roma people who gave their time and life providing for the Roma families. Roma and non-Roma activists, mainly young people and women, cast flowers in the river commemorating the Roma activists who, during different years, spent their live dedicated to Roma issues
Space Bringing together the voices for Roma women “The Congress of Roma Women in Albania” 250 Roma women and 50 supporters participated in it. The ambassador of the EU delegation Permanent resident of UN Vice ministers. (the vice minister of Ministry of Social Affair, left the congress being “offended” heaving the speech after a Roma Woman Activists.
Space Testing coffee-bars & restaurants in Tirana; Do they discriminate Roma? Tested 8 bars & restaurants in Tirana One bar didn’t let even to enter One bar didn’t properly served: “Inside it is restaurant, you can seat outside, but we don’t serve drinks (coffeee) here… even though the control team was already having one… One bar “opened the dor” after the non- Roma friend came..
Case Roma women is still the most part of the Roma minority. The world is not black and white, so… Let’s make a change!!! Capacity building of Roma Women Activist (management, public relations, negotiation and lobby) Promoting positive image of Roma women career Concerts with famous singer and other singers from Roma communities Information corners in high schools and maybe (why not), in the universities Concerts with famous singers and other singers from Roma communities Youth congress (yes, also this time, and arranged by Women activists) National antidiscrimination campaign “The world is not black and white” (activities led by women as part of career developement) and more…
Thank you! Roma Active Albania