Who is that Girl…? Efthymia (Efi) Kesanidou Greece 25.2 … years old Student Volunteer in MCC Nice to meet you
Where is Greece…?
Which are the neighbour countries of Greece? a) Bulgaria, Serbia and Turkey. b) Bulgaria, FYR of Macedonia,Serbia and Turkey. c) Bulgaria,Albania,FYR of Macedonia and Turkey. d) Bulgaria, Albania, Romania and Turkey.
c) Bulgaria, Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Turkey.
Which is the capital of Greece? a) Parisb)Sofia c) Helsinki d)Athens
Thessaloniki or Solun…
Which is the Greek flag? b) a) c)d)
Which of the buildings is in Greece? a) b) c)d)
Which is traditional Greek food? a) b) c) d)
More traditional Greek foods…
Greek and Euros…
Greek Euro coins and their stories…
Do you know who was Europe?
Do you know where was the home of the 12 ancient Greek Gods? 2,917 metres
Video about OgQIR-c&feature=related
Did you know that…? islands 227 inhabited 78 islands>100 inhabitants
Did you know ….? 2004
Did you know…? start at 8:15 a.m. 2 weeks for Christmas and 2 weeks during Easter toilet paper
Greek Alphabet…
Speaking in Greek!!! Hello=ΓΕΙΑ ΣΟΥ Good morning=ΚΑΛΗΜΕΡΑ Good night= ΚΑΛΗΝΥΧΤΑ Τhank you= ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ You are welcome=ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ I love you=Σ’ΑΓΑΠΩ