CSDP Cooperation with EaP Countries Vilnius, 28 February 2013 Skirmante Jasinskiene Crisis Management and Planning Directorate, EEAS
Instruments of CSDP cooperation Dialogue Political dialogues – CSDP cooperation issues raised regularly Staff talks Partner Countries’ briefings to Council working parties (Ukraine – CHOD session, potential invitations to CIVCOM) Information briefings (Multilayer Exercise 2012) potential CSDP Panel within EaP Platform 1 CSDP missions and operations Framework Participation Agreements Contribution to missions and operations Training courses, seminars CSDP orientation courses, specialised training Targeted, tailor-made seminars (Seminar Kiev 2011, Course Warsaw / Brussels 2012) Capabilities Development Contribution to Battlegroups (through cooperation with EU Member States) Cooperation with European Defence Agency (administrative arrangement required) Committee for Civilian Aspects of crisis management - CIVCOM Capabilities development: Contributions to the Supplement to Force Catalogue - non-EU European NATO members and other countries which are candidates for accession to the EU had the opportunity to declare their supplementary contributions to the Force Catalogue 2007 Dialogue Political and strategic dialogue on CSDP (incl. Nice 2000/2002, Seville 2002 and Gothenburg 2002 arrangements) Bilateral political dialogue fora PSC+8, PSC+10, EUMC+8 EUROMED Senior Officials mtgs on CSDP Formation, pre-deployment training opportunities (ENTRI?) Research and technology, research and development 2 2
CSDP cooperation with EaP countries UKRAINE Specific framework for CSDP co-operation since 2002 Legal basis: Framework Participation Agreement and Security Information Agreement in place Range of activities and regular consultations Participation in operations: EUNAVFOR Atalanta and in the past: EUPM in BH Involvement in Battlegroups Active participation in training activities Strategic airlift – administrative arrangement with Athena mechanism proposed MOLDOVA Framework Participation Agreement – signed Dec 2012 EEAS CMPD/EUMS visit to Moldova May 2012, visit by Deputy FM in Brussels in July 2012, Moldovan interservise delegation visit to CMPD Nov 2012 Follow-up to MD proposals on CSDP co-operation, support on SSR Invitation to EUCAP Nestor, EUTM Mali Positive reply to invitation to EUCAP Nestor, EEAS provided feedback on recruitment procedure Dialogue Political and strategic dialogue on CSDP (incl. Nice 2000/2002, Seville 2002 and Gothenburg 2002 arrangements) Bilateral political dialogue fora PSC+8, PSC+10, EUMC+8 EUROMED Senior Officials mtgs on CSDP SSR related advice to interested partners, capacity and institution building aspects, provided by EU instruments and by EU Member States. Capabilities development: – non-EU European NATO members and other countries which are candidates for accession to the EU had the opportunity to declare their supplementary contributions to the Force Catalogue 2007 3 3
CSDP cooperation with EaP countries GEORGIA Negotiations on Framework Participation Agreement started Nov 2012 Request for Security Information Agreement Invitations to EUCAP Nestor, EUTM Mali Positive reply to EU’s invitation to EUCAP Nestor, EEAS provided feedback on recruitment procedure ARMENIA Interest expressed to conclude Framework Participation Agreement, formal request awaited Presentation during EaP Workshop on CSDP, Nov 2012 AZERBAIJAN Informal consultations in the margins of EU-Azerbaijan Cooperation Committee mtg, Nov 2012 Dialogue Political and strategic dialogue on CSDP (incl. Nice 2000/2002, Seville 2002 and Gothenburg 2002 arrangements) Bilateral political dialogue fora PSC+8, PSC+10, EUMC+8 EUROMED Senior Officials mtgs on CSDP Capabilities development: – non-EU European NATO members and other countries which are candidates for accession to the EU had the opportunity to declare their supplementary contributions to the Force Catalogue 2007 4 4
Multilateral EaP activities in CSDP EaP Platform 1 mtg June 2012 – CSDP topic for the 1st time Information briefings on EU crisis management exercise (Multilayer Exercise Sept/Oct 2012) PL-SE High Level Course for EaP Countries (Warsaw, Brussels – Oct/Nov 2012) EaP Workshop on CSDP on 9 Nov 2012 EaP Platform 1 mtg 15 Nov 2012 – tasking to draft ToRs Draft Terms of References to be circulated for consideration in March 2013 EaP Platform 1 mtg 16 May 2013 – potential launch of CSDP Panel CSDP Panel meeting / CSDP workshop autumn 2013 Foresee CSDP activities within the EaP Platform 1 Work Programme Potential other CSDP-related training/seminars led by EU MS
Potential CSDP Multilateral Panel within EaP Platform 1 CSDP Panel to aim: promote CSDP cooperation in formal multilateral framework support bilateral cooperation serve as a forum for experience sharing and identification of cooperation opportunities CSDP Panel to address: CSDP developments, crisis management policies, operations priorities and needs for Partner Countries’ active engagement in CSDP political, legal, financial and other issues - facilitate contributions to EU-led missions and operations seminars, training activities - strengthen capacities to participate in CSDP actions, improve knowledge about CSDP possibilities to support security sector reforms briefings on EU crisis management policies and activities In regular and consistent manner.
Framework Participation Agreements FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS for participation in EU-led missions and operations Political signal of close partnership Facilitating speedy involvement when agreed by both sides Setting legal, financial aspects + basis for classified information sharing 12 FPAs SIGNED WITH Albania, Canada, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand, Serbia, US NEGOTIATIONS WITH SEVERAL OTHER PARTNERS ongoing, incl. FPAs: Framework Participation Agreements for Third State contributions to CSDP missions and operations in place with Albania, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine, Montenegro, New Zealand, Serbia, US. Mandate for negotiations with several other partners. Security Agreements – another enabling tool BiH: finalised Australia, Chile – well advanced Georgia, South Korea – recently launched Brazil, Russia - ongoing Armenia – interest expressed, formal letter awaited 7 7
Partners participation in CSDP operations in 2012 14 countries: Albania, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Iceland, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, New Zealand, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the US In 9 CSDP missions and operations: EUFOR ALTHEA, EUJUST LEX Iraq, EULEX Kosovo, EUPM BiH (mandate ended on 30 June 2012) , EUPOL COPPS, EUPOL Afghanistan, EUNAVFOR ATALANTA, EUTM SOMALIA, EUSEC RD Congo Invitations to new CSDP missions and operations 2012 / early 2013 (EUCAP Nestor, EUCAP Sahel/Niger, EUAVSEC S. Sudan, EUTM Mali) FPAs: Framework Participation Agreements for Third State contributions to CSDP missions and operations in place with Albania, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine, Montenegro, New Zealand, Serbia, US. Mandate for negotiations with several other partners. Security Agreements – another enabling tool 8 8
Internalise cooperation Develop partnerships Build friendships Internalise cooperation Maximise effects of CSDP operational activities Consolidation of partner internal transformation and democratisation, thus enhancing regional security and stability 9