SUSTAINABLE PROCESS INDUSTRY EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL COMPETTIVENESS TROUGH RESOURCE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY SPIRE Brokerage event December 16 th 2013 Reduction of GHG Emissions. Valorisation of a variety of industrial inorganic waste or by-products into resources.
2 VIOKERAL, is one of the most important clay building materials producers in Greece and neighbouring Balkan countries (Bulgaria and Albania)
3 Established in 1920 as family owned company, created through the decades a great reputation for INNOVATION and PROGRESSIVE GROWTH, that both ensure reliable quality products, such as : hollow and perforated bricks, roof tiles, and celler system. tn of ceramic building materials are produced annualy at six different owned plants, fullfilling quality standards and aesthetic design. By the participation to the EU – ETS, VIOKERAL organised R&D&I department, in order to achieve the KYOTO target and creates CARBON OFFSETS.Thus, in the production process, valorise waste or by-products into raw materials.
1. Enriching natural clay resources and optimizing process parameters, guided by product quality specifications. 2. Production of innovative materials through low temperature processes (e.g. building products and materials for exceptional use) and innovative materials through high temperature processes (e.g. refractory materials)…………………………… Increase efficiency at kilns, boilers, heat exchangers and develop automation systems and technological innovations 4. Involve cross-sectorial corporations, machinery constructors and research institutes into the chain “ RESOURCE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY – EMISSIONS AND POLLUTANTS REDUCTION ”. ………. What makes the difference…….. a) Safe management and recycling into useful materials of a wide variety of common industrial by-products b) Holistic approach for resource and environmental management 4 Project Idea Concept
Clay Materials Mixing Homogenizing Characterization Novel Materials Manufacturing Processes Property and Microstructure Characterization Applications Scale up Energy Balance Air Emissions Feedback Industrial By- products Mixing Homogenizing Characterization Synthesis Low T Microstructure & Property Characterization Low T materials Feedback for Microstructure Modification Possible Material Content Modification Stream A Streams B & C Synthesis High T High T materials
Existing Project Consortium 6 TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THESSALY Research study on the incorporation of steel industry by- products into clay ceramics STEEL INDUSTRY Processes a large range of steel manufacturing and metal processing by- products - Process scale up - New products - GHG Reduction Co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek National Funds through the Operational Programs “Competitiveness and Entrepreneuship and Regions in Transition” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: COOPERATION 2011.
Machinery constructors and automation systems Research institutes / laboratories / universities Ceramic industry (LCA) (BAT) (LCC) Looking for partners… 8 Various Process / Industrial Sectors Feed Horizontal Process & applications
Contact details 1.Filippos G. Sapounas VIOKERAL – TERRA S.A Dr. Xenofon Spiliotis 9