SECTION 1 The Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) (pg 349-353) UNIT 4 CHAPTER 16 SECTION 1 The Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) (pg 349-353)
IBERIAN PENINSULA Only 8 miles separate Morocco, Africa from the Iberian Peninsula at the Strait of Gibraltar Spain and Portugal Pyrenees Mountains and the microstate Andorra separates it from France
Andorra Spain surrounded by water = great sea faring country Pyrenees Africa Spain
Spain HISTORY & GOVERNMENT Analyze how past events have affected Spain. 700 AD- Arabic people from Africa called Moors invaded Iberia (brought Islamic religion, irrigation, new crops) 1492-Moors forced out by Christians 1500’s – use navy to build world wide empire 1800’s – lost most of empire, fought many wars about monarchy vs. democracy = civil war in 1936 1939-1975- Francisco Franco rules as dictator of Spain 1975-Today-constitutional monarchy (17 regions have autonomy or self government)
Spain PEOPLE & CULTURE Government: Constitutional Monarchy Language: Spanish (Castilian, Basque & Catalan) (dev from Roman Latin + Arabic) Religion: Roman Catholic Cities: Madrid, Barcelona Culture: plazas, Moorish influence (horseshoe arches, geometric designs, names of places-p 354)
Spain ECONOMY Economy: clothing, ships, cars, tourism (traffic, pollution, overbuilding), agriculture (olive oil & wine, Valencia oranges)(corn, potatoes, tomatoes imported from their Am colonies) EU: joined 1986 (with Portugal)
Spain ISSUES & CHALLENGES Unemployment Immigration (North Africans looking for jobs-none found) Independence Movements (Basques between Bay of Biscay & Pyrenees in northern Spain)
Portugal HISTORY & CULTURE Compare & contrast Portugal & Spain. Roman rule Moorish rule Established colonies around the world Language: Portuguese (dev from Roman Latin + Arabic)
Portugal ECONOMY Government: Democratic EU: joined 1986 (with Spain) Cities: Lisbon Economy: tourism, cork, wine Issues: Immigrants from northern Africa
SECTION 2 The Italian Peninsula (Italy) (pg. 355-359 ) UNIT 4 CHAPTER 16 SECTION 2 The Italian Peninsula (Italy) (pg. 355-359 )
ITALY Sicily & Sardinia North boundary –the Alps Known for architecture, literature, music, painting, sculpture
San Marino ITALIAN PENINSULA San Marino – the oldest city and one of two microstate in the regions; 300’s – Christians seeking to escape persecution; 23 sq miles The Vatican – smallest country in the world (109 acres) (bank, post office, radio station) Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel The Vatican
ITALY Roman Empire dominated the region’s history Gladiator fights were population at the Colosseum
Italy HISTORY Analyze how Italy’s history has affected it’s culture 500 BC-Roman Republic (Rome one of 1st cities to have more than 1 million people)Spread laws, language (Romance languages-French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian & Spanish), architecture, urban life, Christianity (Rome houses Roman Catholic Church in Vatican City) Trade brought wealth (from new products and crafts) and new ideas (innovations) 400’s-collapse of Western Roman Empire 1300-1500’s-Renaissance “rebirth” (daVinci, Michelangelo, Raphael) 1861-Italy becomes a united country WWI-fought with Allies (US, Eng, France) 1920-rise of Benito Mussolini WWII-fought with Axis powers (Italian Benito Mussolini allied with German Adolf Hitler) 1943-Mussolini overthrown 1943-Today-Democracy with changing governments 1958-help found the EU (one of 6 founding countries in 1958- Benelux, Italy, France Germany)
Italy PEOPLE & CULTURE Language: Italian (North-French, German, Slovene) Religion: Roman Catholic Cities: Rome on Tiber River (political & cultural center) Government: Democracy (no political majority =50 governments since WWII) Food: pastas, pastries, sauces, sausages (developed during Renaissance) Main meal at middle day, siesta, spend time with family & friends end of the day
Describe what Italy is like today. NORTH & SOUTH Describe what Italy is like today. North Italy – rich and industrialized North-Po River Valley= good farmland = “breadbasket of Italy” Today known for fine Leather & sports cars South Italy – poor and agriculture high poverty & unemployment, poor economy, soil erosion & deforestation; olives, citrus, grapes; less industry Sicily is where much of the food we enjoy comes from Where the mob comes from as well South Italy North Italy
Italy ISSUES & CHALLENGES Southern Economy needs to be improved Aging Population (low birthrates, no young workers to replace older ones, immigration adds to population) Pollution (traffic-limits # of trucks that can drive through historic center, smog, wear and tear to monuments)
When bad goes good. Tower of Pisa Venice Italy
Greece & the Balkan Peninsula UNIT 4 CHAPTER 16 SECTION 3 Greece & the Balkan Peninsula (Albania Bulgaria Romania Moldova Serbia Montenegro Kosovo Slovenia Macedonia Croatia Bosnia-Herzegovina,) (pg 360-365)
GREECE Surrounded by the Aegean, Crete, Ionian, and Mediterranean Seas Europe’s earliest and most advanced civilizations The Olympics (near Mount Olympus, Greece’s highest peak) and Marathons were started here, as well as Math and Democracy City-state – powerful self-governing cities Parthenon built in 400 B.C. to Greek goddess Athena
Greece HISTORY History of foreign rule: Persians Romans Turks Independence (1829) Civil War (after WWII) Democratic Government (1974)
Greece CULTURE, ECONOMY, ISSUES Language: Greek Religion: Greek Orthodox Christian (They had different views on topics such as the use of images (icons), the nature of the Holy Spirit, and the date on which Easter should be celebrated. Greek East has always tended to be more philosophical, abstract and mystical in its thinking) Food: baklava (Turkish food) Economy: move from agriculture to industrial EU: joined 1981 Challenges: illegal immigrants from Albania, traffic, pollution (smog) Economic Issues
BALKAN PENINSULA Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Macedonia. Outer region; Bosnia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, and coming soon Turkey This region has a large mix of ethnic enclaves A region completely surrounded by another region
Balkan Countries HISTORY WEST BALKANS Ottoman Turks Independence–form Yugoslavian monarchy Soviet Union control until 1980 Fights for independence EAST BALKANS Romans Byzantines Ottoman Turks Independence –late 1800s Soviet Union control until 1990s