READMISSION AGREMENTS AND TRVAEL DOCUMENTS EU has 14 Readmission Agreements valid with third countries. Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Hong Kong, Kap Verde, Macao, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Pakistan, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Russina Federation (signed also with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey). Includes certain standard clauses. Details and certain procedures varyes. Responsibility for readmission is mutual. Related to own and third country citizens. Agreements includes also regulations for transit.
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS 2012 – 03/2013 approx 31 % of asylum seekers arrived from the country which EU has readmission agreement with (2007 approx 27 %, 2009 approx 20%).* In % of repatriated persons from EU members states were returned to country which EU has readmission agreement with. Effective tools for return and awareness of those reduces illegal immigration? Visa relief is related to readmission agreements with some countries. * Eurostat
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Asylum seekers to EU member states* Albania9695FX flight Bosnia& Herzegovina6780FX flight Georgia13140FX flight Macedonia10885FX flight Pakistan24010FX flight Serbia22405FX flight Sri Lanka9035 Russia asylum seekers from above mentioned countries, which is approx 30% of all the asylum seekers. If Turkey and Armenia included the amount is 34 %. *EU 2012 – March 2013 (total asylum seekers) Eurostat)
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Asylum seekersnegative / positive decisions** Albania6937 /1 Bosnia /1 Georgia448 /1 Macedonia4433 Montenegro1925 Pakistan5415 / 15 Serbia / 3 Sri Lanka3535 / 7 Ukraine2118 Russia /220 * total 995 applicants from am. countries, which is approx 15 % of all asylum seekers arrived to Finland 2012 – 2013 ( ** Finland 2012 – 2013 Does not include Dublin –cases (
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Readmission agreement between EU and Russian Federation came in to effect on Agreement requires bilatereal implemention protocol. Signed between Finland and Russia and came in to eccet on
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Binds both parties. Exchance of information between authorities. Does not require the returnee to be involved with the procedure. Will of the returnee does not affect. Predictable time limits. Requirements for establishing nationality is agreed. Competent authorities in Finland: Police, Border Guards, finnish Immigration Service. In Russia: Federal Migration Service.
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Application must be lodged within 180 days after the decision is final. Application send to Finnish Embassy In Moscow. From there delivered to FMS. FMS has 25 days to make the decision. Can be extended. Answer from the FMS is first delivered to Finnish Embassy in Moscow and Russian Embassy in Helsinki. After positive decision, FMS has to be accurately informed about the planned transfer (place, time etc.). Once the FMS has accepted the place and the time Embassy will issue the document. Transfer to Russia has to be done within 180 days from the positive decision of the FMS. After this request has to be renewed, if the persons is not yet removed. Travel document is valid for 30 days. Embassy will issue new document if needed.
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Transfer to Russia has to be done within 180 days from the positive decision of the FMS. After this request has to be renewed. Travle document is valid for 30 days. Embassy will issue new document if expired. With out evidence of nationality competent Finnish authority may ask the russian embassy to inteview the person. interview will be held at the Embassy. used three times with out further succes.
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS OTHER COUNTRIES: Application is delivered to the Embassy which will send is to local competent authorities. Application may also be send directly to the competent authoroties via (Georgia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia also with out implementation protocol). After positive answer Embassy will issue travel document.
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS PROBLEMS Undocumented persons False identity Children born abroad
READMISSION AGREEMENTS AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS READMISSION AGREEMENTS NUMBERS ApplicationsAcceptedRejected Albania 000 Bosnia & Herzegovina23230 Georgia990 Macedonia330 Moldova110 Montenegro330 Pakistan202 Serbia24240 Sri Lanka15141 Ukraine211 Russia917813