Strengthening Education and Training Capacity on Natural Resource Conservation in Ohrid – Prespa Basins (Build TRACA) Final Conference Pogradec, 14 October.


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Presentation transcript:

Strengthening Education and Training Capacity on Natural Resource Conservation in Ohrid – Prespa Basins (Build TRACA) Final Conference Pogradec, 14 October 2013

The overall objective: to improve professional performance in the environmental education contributing to a sustainable development of the cross border Ohrid-Prespa Basin “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

Specific objectives: 1.Improve environmental education capacity by raising competence levels on both sides of the border; 2.Encourage knowledge transfer by establishing networks among the local government authorities, academics, training institutions and NGO’s, and 3.Promote joint activities for environmental education and sustainable development. “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

Studies and surveys developed under the project: Analysis of Regional Policies and Level of Cooperation SWOT Analysis Identification of Best Practices Environmental Baseline Surveys: – Flora and Habitats – Fishes and Fisheries; – Fauna in the Protected Areas – Sources of Environmental Stress – Socio-economic Assessment “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

Setting up Environmental Education Network Centers in Pogradec and Struga (PEEN & SEEN) Focal Point for Training on Environmental Issues – Facilitating Environmental Education and Training – Offering Training, Knowledge Transfer & Joint Activities Struga: – Office at Green Center “Krste Jon” Pogradec: – Water Quality Environmental Lab – Private Office – Bilateral Secretariat Office (more sustainability) “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

IPA Cross Border Program between Republic of Albania and Republic of Macedonia Programi IPA p ër bashkepunimin nd ërkufitar Republika e Shqipërisë-Republika e Maqedonisë A project implemented by: Project founded by the European Union PEEN - Pogradec Environmental Education Network QEMP - Q ë ndra p ë r Edukimin Mjedisor, Pogradec

All partners meeting in PEEN center New office in city center in Pogradec January 2013

Strengthening Human Capacities on Environmental Management through mobility: Identification of Best Practices (Macedonian partners) About 50 persons to visit the Macedonian Protected Areas (Struga, Ohrid and Galicica Park) – April 2013 (i)implementation of integrated sustainable development plans, (ii)level of participation of businesses in environmental education, (iii)financial contribution of the hoteliers businesses, (iv)involvement of public authorities in environmental protection, (v)level of action of local NGOs in environmental management, etc. “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

Best Practices: Strengthening Human Capacities through mobility – April 2013

Training of Trainers – March-April Pogradec & Struga: Development of Training Course in “Sustainable Development and Environmental Education” Four-course modules training (4 international experts): (i)Environmental Management (ii)Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development, Territory Planning, (iii)Tourism Businesses (iv)Issue-based Courses for Environmental Educators “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

Training of Trainers Pogradec & Struga

ActivityWho?OutputsWhen? (i)two ecological camps organised in Struga (5 days) and Pogradec (5 days) (ii)More than 100 Albanian and Macedonian youngsters participated 2 camps (one in Albania and one in Macedonia) during camps (one in Albania and one in Macedonia) during 2013 “Krste Jon” organised camp at summer centre in Struga; “Kadmi & Harmonia” carried out the camp at Hotel Kalaja Better knowledge for students of high schools of the region Ecological awareness and environmental education for youths. 2 eco-camps in Albania & Macedonia 1-11 August eco-camps in Albania & Macedonia 21 – 31 August 2013 Eco-camps (2012 and 2013 in both Struga & Pogradec)

“ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union Eco camps in Pogradec and Struga Environment, learning, fun

“ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union Eco camps in Pogradec and Struga Environmental awareness Learning about protected areas Wastewater Treatment Plant Water Quality Monitoring Lab Learning about eco-projects Drawing lessons & competition Cleaning the environment Swimming and other games Fun quiz, etc.

“ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union Eco camps in Pogradec and Struga Environment, learning, fun

ActivityWho?OutputsWhen? Three workshops will be organised in Pogradec and Librazhd) 13 May 2013: Rrajce 14 May 2013: Tushemisht 15 May 2013: Stebleve SOEK and “Kadmi & Harmonia” 3 training and information workshops 13, 14 and 15 May 2013 Three regional workshops organized “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

“ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union Regional workshops: Rrajce (13 May 2013), Tushemisht (14 May 2013), Stebleve (15 May 2013)

How did we do on the following? 1.Improve environmental education capacity by raising competence levels on both sides of the border; 2.Encourage knowledge transfer by establishing networks among the local government authorities, academics, training institutions and NGO’s, and 3.Promote joint activities for environmental education and sustainable development. “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

“ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union Activities in a nutshell: Studies and Surveys Consolidated database SEEN & PEEN Eco-camps with kids (two in both countries in two years) Four daily modules for Training of Trainers with four international experts Three Regional Workshops Human Mobility: Sharing Best Practices Publication of the whole package.

Concluding remarks: How did we do? 1.More than 150 professionals trained, fostered contacts and exchanged views on both sides of the border; 2.More than 100 kids trained together in joint eco-camps; 3.Consolidated review of Environmental Baseline; 4.Environmental studies and reports easily accessible – large database available to the public either in a disc or on website 5.Promoted synergies and encouraged knowledge transfer by establishing networks among the local government authorities, academics, training institutions and NGO’s, and 6.Eco-camps and human mobility programs further promoted joint activities for environmental education and sustainable development. “ Strengthening education and training capacity on natural resource conservation in Ohrid – Prespa basins ” Project funded by the European Union

Thank you for your attention!