IfC support to GreeK Companies investing abroad Export Summit III Athens 3 December, 2014
IFC: A MEMBER OF THE WORLD BANK GROUP IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA International Development Association IFC International Finance Corporation MIGA Multilateral Investment and Guarantee Agency ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Loans to middle-income and credit-worthy low-income country governments Interest-free loans and grants to governments of poorest countries Guarantees of foreign direct investment’s non-commercial risks Solutions in private sector development Conciliation and arbitration of investment disputes
WHAT WE DO Integrated Solutions, Increased Impact INVESTMENT 3 Focus Industries: MANUFACTURING AGRIBUSINESS & SERVICES FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS INFRASTRUCTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES INVESTMENT (Debt, Equity, Trade Finance, Syndications, Securitized Finance, Risk Management) ADVICE (Integrated with IFC Investment) IFC ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY (Mobilizing and Managing Capital for Investment) 3 Product Areas:
INVESTMENT LOANS Project and corporate financing On-lending through intermediary institutions EQUITY Direct equity investments (up to 20% of company’s equity) Private equity funds TRADE FINANCE AND SUPPLY CHAIN Guarantee of trade-related payment obligations of approved financial institutions SYNDICATIONS Capital mobilization to serve developmental needs Over 60 co-financiers: commercial banks, fund, and DFIs RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES Derivative products to hedge interest rate, currency, or commodity-price exposures of IFC clients
IFC ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY IFC CAPITALIZATION FUND Helps strengthen systemically important banks in emerging markets, bolstering their ability to cope with financial and economic downturns IFC AFRICAN, LATIN AMERICAN & CARIBBEAN FUND Co-invests with IFC in equity and equity-related investments across a range of sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean AFRICA CAPITALIZATION FUND Invests in systemically important commercial banking institutions in Africa IFC RUSSIAN BANK CAPITALIZATION FUND Invests in commercial banking institutions in Russia IFC GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Co-invests with IFC in equity-related investments in the infrastructure sector in emerging markets IFC CATALYST FUND Invests in funds that provide growth capital to companies developing innovative ways to address climate change in emerging markets
WHAT CLIENTS VALUE ABOUT IFC 2014 IFC Client Survey Long-Term Partner Role Stamp of Approval Financing Not Readily Available Elsewhere Ability to Mobilize Additional Funds Worldwide Presence Global Expertise and Knowledge Affiliation with the World Bank Group Pricing
IFC’s Global Reach Update Map: take star off of Paris and replace with normal dot, take out name “Paris” DONE 108 regional offices in 98 countries worldwide, AAA credit rating 3,879 staff (59% are based outside Washington DC)
INVESTMENTS BY INDUSTRY, FY14 Commitments for IFC’s Account: $17.3 Billion
INVESTMENTS BY REGION, FY14 Commitments for IFC’s Account: $17.3 Billion
IFC AND GREECE IFC Committed Portfolio with Greek sponsors amounted to US$ 545 million as of September 30, 2014 Investment through Financial Institutions and to Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services (MAS) companies both account for 42% of the Committed Portfolio, followed by Infrastructure, which represent a smaller piece (16%) 100% of the Greek sponsors supported by IFC are doing business in the EMENA region
EXAMPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION Banking sector (FY*10-12) NBG, Eurobank, Alpha Bank and Piraeus Bank In June 2010, IFC’s Board endorsed IFC support to selected subsidiaries of four Greek banks (NBG, Eurobank EFG, Alpha and Piraeus) in Southern and Eastern Europe (part of IFC contribution to the Joint IFI Action Plan). Since then, IFC has approved and signed US$ 321 million of the US$ 500 million facility (approximately 64%), including US$ 197 million in long term finance and US$ 124 million in short term finance trade lines under the Global Trade Finance Program. * IFC Fiscal Year runs from 1 July to 30 June of the following year
EXAMPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION Stomana Industry, Bulgarian subsidiary of Sidenor Steel Products Manufacturing Company (FY03, FY06, FY10) IFC supported Stomana Industry with three separate investments to help grow its steel manufacturing operations in Southern Europe: FY03: EUR 18.5 million A-loan for Stomana’s capital equipment modernization plant FY06: contribution of EUR 18 million loan to support the construction of Stomana’s new rolling mill FY 10: Strengthening Stomana’s balance sheet to by providing a EUR 25 million long-term loan, comprising a EUR 18.75 million C-loan and a EUR 6.25 million A-loan. This investment helped Stomana to better match the long-term nature productive assets of the company against longer-term liabilities, and support additional capital investment in machinery and equipment
EXAMPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COOPERATION Titan Group (FY09,10,12) FY09: Equity investment of EUR 12.6 million and shareholder loan of EUR 16.8 million to support the construction of a greenfield state-of-the-art cement plant with production capacity of 1.4 million tons per year cement in Albania (Antea Cement, subsidiary of Titan Group). FY10: Follow-up equity of EUR 80 million in 2009 to expand Titan’s Egyptian operation through a EUR 160 million investment plan in its two entities, Beni Suef Cement Company and Alexandria Portland Cement Company; FY12: A third equity investment of EUR 50 million to consolidate Titan’s operations in FYRM, Kosovo and Serbia IFC’s role in these transactions was three-fold: long-term financier; providing counseling on environmental and social standards setting: being a strategic partner to Titan’s entry in other markets.
CONTACTS Andrea Engel, Senior Country Officer, IFC Brussels +32 2 552 00 30 aengel@ifc.org Francesca Carrozza, Analyst, IFC Brussels +32 2 552 00 40 fcarrozza@ifc.org