Country Statistics – your gateway to the East
CEE & Turkey 18 countries Albania Bosnia Bulgaria Croatia Czech Rep. Estonia Hungary Kosovo Territory Latvia Lithuania Macedonia (FYROM) Montenegro Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Turkey Russia & CIS 11 countries Russia Ukraine Belarus Rep. Moldova Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Armenia Azerbaijan
December 31st, 2010 Gross Written Premium EUR 33.1 billion 2010/2009 7.40% 2009/2008 -7.63% 2008/2007 9.31% Paid Claims EUR billion -2.97% The CEE markets – 2010 results
2008 – Hungary & Estonia – first markets hit by the crisis – massive drop on the life lines (mainly single premium and Unit-Linked) The CEE markets – the 3 years crisis history
1H2009 – the downward trend covered the entire region – life and motor lines = main factors of the fall - the very small markets – still in possitive territory The CEE markets – the 3 years crisis history
2009 – 1H2010 – first signs of negative trend slowing down; first markets entering on the upward trail -againg, life segment is the driver factor The CEE markets – the 3 years crisis history
The “motor” dependent markets - delayed recovery - Austerity measures are drying out the small markets’ growth potential The CEE markets – the 3 years crisis history
Country Overall GWP Change 10/09 Regional market share EUR m. %% Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria NA Croatia1, , Czech Republic6, , Estonia Hungary3, , Kosovo Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Montenegro Poland13, , Romania1, , Serbia Slovakia2, , Slovenia2, , CEE REGION 33, , Note: For Bulgaria, all presented data are for January-November 2010 CEE 2010 – GWP evolution
Property insurance 5.3% Country OVERALL PROPERTY INSURANCE GWP % in all GWP Change 10/09 Regional market sharePaid claims Change 10/ EUR m. %% % Albania Bosnia and Herz NA Bulgaria NA NA Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Montenegro NA Poland 1, Romania Serbia Slovakia NA66.02 NA Slovenia CEE REGION 3, , , , Note: for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovakia (2010) are estimations CEE 2010 – property insurance
Country GWP Change 10/09 Overall paid claims Claims Change 10/ %EUR m. % Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina3.11NA BulgariaNA NA Croatia Czech Republic14.273, , Estonia Hungary-0.862, , Kosovo Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Montenegro-3.58NA Poland14.289, , Romania-4.991, , Serbia Slovakia4.09NA1,034.12NA Slovenia0.971, , CEE REGION7.4019, , Note: For Bulgaria, all presented data are for January-November 2010 CEE 2010 – Claims evolution
Life insurance 12.6% CEE 2010 – life insurance
Albania % Bosnia and Herzegovina18.78 % Bulgaria % Croatia % Czech Republic % Estonia % Hungary % Latvia % Lithuania % Macedonia 5.47 % Montenegro % Poland % Romania % Serbia % Slovakia % Slovenia % CEE REGION % CEE 2010 – weight of life insurance in countries portfolios
Motor insurance 0.14% CEE 2010 – motor insurance
Turkey Business line 2010 GWP2009 GWP NOMINAL EVOLUTION (%) EUR m. % TOTAL MARKET 6, , TOTAL LIFE 1, TOTAL NON-LIFE 5, , Accident Health Marine Overall property insurance 1, , Fire and allied perils Damages to property Overall motor insurance 2, , Motor Hull 1, , MTPL 1, , GTPL Other non-life insurance All insurance lines on positive trend Market portfolio: Life ins.: 15% Non-life: 85% Motor: 40% Property: 21% Health: 12% Other: 11%
The CIS markets – 2010 results December 31st, 2010 Population million Gross Written Premium EUR 3.6 billion 2010/2009 20.8% Paid Claims EUR 861 million
The Russia & CIS markets – 2010 results December 31st, 2010 Population billion Gross Written Premium EUR 29.4 billion 2010/2009 15.3% Paid Claims EUR 19.9 billion
Russia & CIS 2010 – GWP evolution Nr.Country GWP 2010GWP 2009 GWP CHANGE 10/09 EUR m. % 1Armenia Azerbaidjan Belarus Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Moldova Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine 2, , Uzbekistan TOTAL CIS 3, , Russia 25, , TOTAL CIS & RUSSIA REGION 29, , Positive aggregate results in all CIS countries
Russia & CIS 2010 – Ins. Density Development perspectives
Project Coordinator Daniela GHEŢU Editorial Coordinating Editor Vlad BOLDIJAR Senior Editors Oleg DORONCEANU Olesea SERGHIESCU Consultant Andreea STATE XPRIMM Insurance Report
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