Longitude/Latitude Prime Meridian/Equator Oceans Tropics Continents All the countries of Europe Physical features of Europe/Russia Map skills
France is located northwest of Italy Italy is a boot shaped peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea France is located northwest of Italy Spain is west of Italy, southwest of France and on the coast of the Med. Portugal is west of Spain (Spain’s baby) on the Atlantic UK is an island north of France in the Atlantic Ocean Ireland is an island west of the UK Switzerland is a small country with Italy to its south and France to its west Austria is a stomach shaped country due east of Switzerland Hungary is south east of Austria Ireland UK France Austria Swizt Hungary Portugal Italy Spain
Finland Norway Sweden Baltic Sea North Sea D N B Germany is a large country east of France, north of Switzerland and Austria and west of Poland Belgium is north of France, west of Germany and borders the North Sea Netherlands are due west of Germany and north of Belgium Denmark is due north of Germany and south west of Sweden Norway is north of Denmark, and borders the North Sea Sweden is due east of Norway and borders the Baltic sea Finland is due east of Sweden and borders the Baltic Sea Czech Republic is east of Germany, north of Austria and south west of Poland Finland Norway Sweden North Sea Baltic Sea D N Germany B Czech
E Russia L L Belarus Poland Ukraine Slovakia is east of Czech Republic and south of Poland LLE (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia from south to north) border the Baltic Sea and are north and east of Poland and are north west of Belarus Belarus is west of Russia, south east of LLE and due east of Poland Russia is east of Belarus and all of Europe Ukraine is west Russia, due south of Belarus, south east of Poland and borders the Black Sea E Russia L L Belarus Poland Ukraine Slovakia
Moldova is a tiny country south and west of Ukraine Romania is due west of Moldova and south and east of Hungary Bulgaria is south of Romania, borders the Black Sea South of the Black Sea is Turkey Greece is due west of Turkey, on the Mediterranean Macedonia is due north of Greece and south west of Bulgaria Serbia is the larger country north of Macedonia and west of Romania and Bulgaria, and due south of Hungary Albania is south west of Serbia and borders the Mediterranean Sea M Romania Serbia Black Sea Bulgaria M A Turkey Greece
SV MN Montenegro is the tiny country due north of Albania North of Montenegro and due west of Serbia is Bosnia Hertzegovenia (B-H) The hook shaped country north of B-H is Croatia Slovena is due north of Croatia SV BH Croatia MN