Topic 1
Super Government? Collective Security? Economic Sanctions General Assembly Council Admittance to the LON The League of Nations
July 1919 Social Democrats Dr. Kapp Rights Universal Suffrage Land Issues The Weimar Republic
Upper Silesia Poland Plebiscite Silesian Uprisings The Response of the LON Suggestions? Decisions Problems in Silesia
The Frontiers of Albania Response of the League Setting new borders Italian General Enrico Tellini (Aug. 1923) Response of Mussolini Corfu Results? Problems in Albania
Warren G. Harding November 12, February 6, Powers American Objectives Japanese and British Goals The Washington Naval Conference
The Washington Naval Treaty/Five Power Treaty Five Powers? Purpose of the Treaty? Efforts by the British, Americans, and Japanese to expand their naval power. The Washington Naval Conference G3 Battle cruiser
Terms: 35,000 tons 16 inch guns Aircraft carriers 5:5:3 ratio The Five Power Treaty
CountryCapital ShipsAircraft Carriers British Empire525,000 tons135,000 tons United States525,000 tons135,000 tons Japan315,000 tons81,000 tons France175,000 tons60,000 tons Italy175,000 tons60,000 tons
The Five Power Treaty Fortifications Naval Bases Replacing Ships
The United States Britain Japan France Italy Effects of the Five Power Treaty
The Role of the Cypher Bureau Herbert Yardley Japanese Communications Suspicions and accusations Another look?
China Open Door Policy Japanese Influence in China International Law The Nine Power Treaty John Hay
The Treaty of Rapallo Germany Soviet Russia Treaty of Brest Litovsk Terms of the Treaty French Concerns Collective Security outside the League
January 1923 The Ruhr Response of the Weimar Republic Inflation International Sympathy The Ruhr Crisis
Britain and America Respond Germany’s Response to the French The Dawes Plan The Reichsbank Changes in payments The Response to the Ruhr Invasion
Origin of the Pact Terms? Major Implications of the pact? The Spirit of Locarno Gustav Stressman
The Kellogg-Briand Pact Frank Kellogg Aristide Briand 60 Nations Implications More attempts at Collective Security
The Young Plan German Reparations The Reparations Commission Elements of Instability The Great Depression Financial Issues