Name: Stephen Murphy Country: Luxembourg
Population of Luxembourg
Capital City: Luxembourg
Currency Currency-Euro (formerly Luxembourg franc)
How Many Mobile Phones How Many Mobile Phones-215,741 (2000)
E THNICITY (R ACE ) Main Ethnic Groups-Celtic base (with French and German blend), Portuguese, Italian, Slavs (from Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo), and European (guest and worker residents)
Main Religion Main Religion-Roman Catholic 87%, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic 13% (2000)
Services-Banking and financial services, iron and steel, information and technology, telecommunications, cargo transportation, food processing, chemicals, metal products, engineering tires, glass, aluminium, tourism. Industry-banking and financial services, iron and steel, information and technology, telecommunications, cargo transportation, food processing, chemicals, metal products, engineering tires, glass, aluminium, tourism.
Main Industries Luxembourg-Banking and financial services, iron and steel, information and technology, telecommunications, cargo transportation, food processing, chemicals, metal products, engineering, tires, glass aluminium, tourism. Main Agriculture Luxembourg-Wine, grapes, barley, oats, potatoes, wheat, fruits, dairy products.
Luxembourg, once part of Charlemagne’s empire, became an independent state in 1063, when Siegfried, count of Ardennes, became sovereign of Lucilinburhuc (“Little Fortress”). In 1060, Conrad, a descendant of Siegfried, took the title count of Luxembourg. From the 15 th -18 th century Spain, France and Austria held the duchy in turn. The Congress of Vienna in 1815 made it a grand duchy and gave it to William I king of the Netherlands. In 1839 the Treaty of London ceded the western part of Luxembourg to Belgium. The eastern continuing in personal union with the Netherlands and a member of the German Confederation became autonomous in 1867 governed by its grand duke. Germany occupied the duchy in World Wars I and II. Allied troops liberated the enclave in 1944.
Luxembourg joined NATO in 1949 the Benelux Economic European Economic Community (later the EU) in In 1961 Prince Jean son and heir of Grand Duchess Charlotte was made head of state acting for his mother. She abdicated in 1964 and Prince Jean became grand duke. Luxembourg’s parliament approved the Maastricht Accord paving the way for the economic unity of the EU in July Crown Prince Henri was sworn in as grand duke in Oct replacing his father Jean who had been head of state for 26 years.
Famous For Luxembourg is very famous for its wealth. Did you know that Luxembourg is in the Guinness Book of World Records because it is the richest country in the world? This country is famous for its cheese. The cheese is well known for its pungent smell. Luxembourgers are the best language speakers in the world with above 90% of the population speaking at least three languages (generally French, German and Luxemburgese or Portuguese) and more than 80% speaking 4 (add English). Luxembourg is a tiny country the sixth smallest in the world it is about 80km from top to bottom and is 50km at its widest. Luxembourg is situated in Northern Europe at a point where the boarders of France, Belgium and Germany confluence.
Henri of Luxembourg (current Grand Duke) Jean Claude Juncker (Luxembourg prime minister) Josy Braun (writer) Jim Clemes (architect) Patrick Galbats (photographer)
Directed by Stephen Murphy Produced by Stephen Murphy Written by Stephen Murphy Information provided by many sources THE END