Feeding Children months old
Capable of chewing and grinding foods More control over lips and tongue, and stronger jaw May be able to manage a spoon to self-feed Starting to wean from the bottle 3-4 meals per day with snacks What characterizes feedings for children months old?
Can chew with lips closed Can drink from an open cup with minimal spillage Able to distinguish between food and non- food items Should be mostly weaned from the bottle 3 meals per day with snacks What characterizes feedings for children months old?
Independent Can feed themselves with a spoon and open cup with little spillage Have feeding skills necessary to manage all types of foo 3 meals per day with snacks What characterizes feedings for children months old?
Drinking from a bottle beyond 24 months Regularly refusing food or drink Gagging, coughing, or vomiting that interferes with mealtime Holding food in cheeks or under tongue instead of swallowing Severely restricted food variety Crying during mealtimes Eating nonfood items Challenging behaviors at mealtimes What feeding challenges may require a specialist?
Allow children to practice holding spoons Offer bite-sized foods that can be grasped or pinched with the fingers Allow children to practice holding an empty cup Make eye contact and speak encouragingly Practice feeding skills regularly – practice makes perfect! How can you help children months during mealtimes?
Always supervise children during mealtimes, snack times and when drinking Cut foods into small pieces Make sure children are seated to eat Do not provide certain foods, e.g. Large pieces of meat Whole carrots Hard candy Popcorn or nuts What precautions should you take to prevent choking?
Offer the food in a different texture or preparation, e.g. Raw carrots Steamed carrots Pureed carrots Offer the food multiple times – children need to be offered a new food times before they accept it! What should you do if a child refuses certain foods?
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