Arkansas Department of Education-CCSS
Common Core State Standards Mathematics Little Rock School District Math Department Dr. Vanessa Cleaver ~Director of Mathematics Mrs. Marcelline Carr ~ High School Specialist Mr. Karl Romain ~ Elem./Middle School Specialist Mrs. Beth Clifford ~ Elementary School Specialist
Common Core Standards
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) A consistent and clear set of national standards for K-12 mathematics and English language arts. Consistent from state to state Relevant to the real world Clear and more focused Students will be prepared for both college and work in a global economy (College & Career Ready)
The Rolling Out of Common Core Mathematics School Year District Responsibilities ADE Responsibilities State Assessments 2010-2011 Districts Develop Transition Plan ADE Shares Resources and Provides PD State Assessments Reflect AR Curriculum Frameworks 2011-2012 Common Core State Standards Grade K-2 2012-2013 Common Core Standards Grades 3-8 2013-2014 Common Core State Standards Grades 9-12 Pilot New Assessment System 2014-2015 Common Core State Standards Grades k-12 Full Implementation of Common Core Standards Full Implementation of New Assessment System K Little Rock K-12 mathematics teachers will implement portions of CCSS beginning the 2011-2012 academic year.
CCSS in Mathematics
Focus Areas: Grade K Represent, relate, and operate on whole numbers, initially with sets of objects Describe shapes and space **More learning time in Kindergarten should be devoted to number than to other topics**
Focus Areas: Grade 1 Develop understanding of addition and subtraction within 20 Develop understanding of place value relationships Develop understanding of linear measurement Reason about attributes of geometric shapes
Focus Areas: Grade 2 Extend understanding of base 10 number system Build fluency in addition and subtraction Use standard units of measure Describe and analyze shapes
Focus Areas: Grade 3 Develop understanding of multiplication and division and the strategies used for those operations Develop understanding of fractions Develop understanding of rectangular arrays and area Describe and analyze two-dimensional shapes
Focus Areas: Grade 4 Develop understanding of multi-digit multiplication and division Develop an understanding of fraction equivalence Understand that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified by their properties
Focus Areas: Grade 5 Develop fluency with operations on fractions Extend division to two digit divisors, and develop an understanding of operations with decimals Develop an understanding of volume
What does this mean for our secondary students and their classes for next year?
Content vs. Credit The Common Core math system places the new content of Algebra I in the 9th grade This new content has more Algebra II concepts. The old content of Algebra I is now in 8th grade mathematics (as well as 7th and some 6th)
Grade 8 and Beyond 8th Grade Mathematics becomes more like what Algebra I is under the Arkansas Mathematics Frameworks. Extends rational number system to the real numbers Function Concepts Intense study of linear functions Congruence, Similarity and Pythagorean Theorem
Grade 8 and Beyond Algebra I (CCSS) will finalize linear functions, but most of the instruction will focus on quadratic and/or exponential functions. Algebra II (CCSS) will look a great deal more like what pre-calculus has been under the Arkansas Frameworks.
Will there be learning gaps?
Learning Gaps Yes, there will be learning gaps during the transition years; Major learning gaps have been identified for each grade level; Teachers will teach those missing concepts this spring (following the benchmark tests)
Secondary Math Content
LRSD Secondary Math Courses Most students will benefit from placement in courses Mathematics 6 (reg/Pre-AP) Mathematics 7 (Reg/Pre-AP) Mathematics 8 (Reg/Pre-AP) Please be reminded that the content in these courses will be much more rigorous
Abbreviations AP - Advanced Placement courses are offered in high school to help students acquire the skills and habits needed to be successful in college. In some cases, students can earn credit for AP courses Pre-AP – Pre-advanced placement courses include the same major topics but explore them in greater depth and breadth. Particular emphasis is placed on the content and thinking skills that begin to prepare students for success in upper level mathematics courses including AP courses.
Sixth Grade Mathematics 6 Mathematics 6 Pre-AP In grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: Connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; Completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; Writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; Developing understanding of statistical thinking.
Seventh Grade Mathematics 7 Mathematics 7 Pre –AP In grade 7, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: Developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; Developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; Solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; Drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
Eighth Grade Mathematics 8 Mathematic 8 Pre-AP In Grade 8, instructional time should focus on three critical areas: Formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; Grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; Analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
The writers of the Common Core curriculum believe that there may be a very few students (top 3-5%) who would benefit from some acceleration starting at the 7th grade level.
Mathematics 7 Accelerated This new course demands a faster pace for teaching and learning. This course compacts all of grade 7 mathematics and part of the grade 8 mathematics course into one year.
Criteria for Mathematics 7 Accelerated Students earning a grade of “A” or “B” in 6th grade Pre-AP Pre-Algebra; or Students score 90% or above on an assessment that will be administered Spring 2012 to 6th grade students and at least two of the following: Students scored advanced in 5th grade mathematics (benchmark exam) Students score advanced in 6th grade mathematics (benchmark exam) Teacher recommendation
Eighth Grade 2012-2013 only Algebra I Pre-AP (2012-2013 only)* Geometry Pre-AP (2012-2013 only)* *Beginning 2013-2014, these courses will no longer be offered in the middle school under the Common Core State Standards. Students who successfully complete the Mathematics 7 Accelerated course will be enrolled in 8th Grade Pre-AP Algebra I which is a fast-paced course that compacts the remainder of the 8th grade content with all of the Algebra I content.
What happened to Pre-Algebra?
There is no provision in the Common Core for courses titled Pre-Algebra. The experts who wrote the curriculum believe that the new course work is very rigorous and will challenge the vast majority of the students.
What are we doing to prepare for the CCSS?
Unwrapping the standards and identifying resources Providing content workshops Facilitating curriculum mapping workshops Preparing transition gap lessons/units
What are We Doing? Continuing to study the CCSS and impact of changes Vertical Teams Horizontal Teams Math Coaches Preparing professional development sessions for spring and summer
Where can I go to get more information about the CCSS?
Helpful Websites Parents’ Guide to Student Success ( Frequently Asked Questions about CCSS (
Putting it All Together in Arkansas with Common Core State Standards Downloadable brochures Elementary ( Middle School ( High School (