Writing to Achieve The Early Years By Debbie Jura August 13, 2009
Steps in the Process 1.Knowing where you are as a writing teacher. 2.Understanding Genres by grade level. (Where we need to go.) 3.Understanding how we get there. (What we need to teach and when we need to teach it.)
Step 1 Step 1: Where are you on the highway?
Directions Decide where you currently are in your understanding and instruction of writing. Go to that chart.
Directions Draw a line dividing the chart into 2 columns. On the left side, brainstorm why you have all gathered at this chart.
Directions On the right hand side, brainstorm what you need to move to the next level.
Step 2 Where we need to go. Genres by Grade level Genres in the grade above and below you. Benchmark assessments Rubrics
Step 3 How do we get there? Decide what we need to teach When we need to teach it
Writing Tree Let’s look at the process of becoming a writer as steps in climbing this tree…. How would we fill in each level. Talk it over at your table. Then we will share our ideas.
Foundations of Writing Activity Move to a chart Brainstorm things you need to teach or ways to teach the foundational piece your chart represents. When the signal is given, move to the next chart. Continue until you have visited all charts.
So What Is Writing? It is the highest level of literacy put into practice. It is an independent demonstration of the knowledge and use of comprehension, word study, vocabulary, and language conventions. The more students practice the better they become.
WOW! So writing is complex. Writing involves thinking, putting the thoughts into words and then writing those words down for others to read. It’s purpose is to convey meaning. The skills that the student writer needs to master are drawn from a variety of strands.
What drives the system? When Young People Thrive… It’s relationships, not programs, that change children. A great program simply creates the environment for healthy relationships to form between adults and children. Young people thrive when adults care about them on a one-to- one level, and when they also have a sense of belonging to a caring community. Bill Milliken (Founder and vice-chairman of Communities in Schools Author of Tough Love and The Last Dropout)
Social Context of Learning Vygotsky told us years ago that literacy learning takes place within a social context. The writer is trying to convey a message to the reader. All literacy learning develops through an apprenticeship model between a student and a more experienced language user (usually the teacher). Writing is naturally engaging for kids. They are naturally curious and want to express themselves.
Where do we start? Define our philosophy. Develop writing friendly classrooms where reluctant and proficient writers thrive. –Write daily – Provide prompt feedback to individual students –Provide opportunities to celebrate writing Use assessment to drive our instruction.
Define our Philosophy Young children can write. Young children want to write. Young children possess the knowledge, interest and experiences to write about.
Keys Build on what is known. Students are most engaged when they have authentic reasons to write. A child’s name is his first most powerful word.
How? Read aloud Think aloud: Make your thinking visible Let students help when they can Do the hard part for them Teach with mini lessons Practice Create a supportive environment
Let’s summarize What’s one thing you are taking away from today’s work?