Pie Night Presentation Hull Baptist Church April 19, 2015
Our Campaign Data allows us set goals Building fund goal = $800,000 for phase 2 No construction until 60% ($480,000 raised)
HBC Financial Facts 2014 154 units (People who gave) 108 units >$200 Assumption for Projected Plan: 80% (units >$200) rally needed
3 Year Projection GroupAnnual Giving Group Goal (3 Years) Individual Giving Unit Goal (Annual) Individual Giving Unit Goal (Monthly) Legacy>$10,000 per year $192,500$21,389$1,782 Key$ ,000 per year $165,000$5,000$416 Core$ per year $192,500$972$81
Can we meet our goal in 3 years? If 80% of people who regularly give, support this effort, then we should make it Sacrificial support is needed in addition to tithing Let the Lord lead you in what you need to do
Prayerfully consider what the Lord wants you to do Pie Night - 4/19/15 Commitment Day - 5/3/15 Reveal Day will be 5/17 The HBC Thrive Challenge Commitment Card I am committed to helping Hull Baptist Church THRIVE to become the church God wants us to be. Name(s): _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ ________________________________________ After prayerful consideration, I/we have decided to make a financial commitment to join The Thrive Challenge. As God allows, I/we will commit to giving $_____________ per week/month/year (circle one) to the Thrive Fund over the next three years. My/our commitment includes a one-time gift to the Thrive Fund in the amount of $___________. I/we understand that this commitment is before God and is a statement of intent and may be modified as needed. Where there is no vision, the people perish … Proverbs 29:18
News Spring Church Anderson, SC httphttp://youtu.be/2zayQGq1tk8//yout u.be/2zayQGq1tk8