Sarah Pettus How to survive and thrive your 1 st year in the classroom
Effective Classroom management!!!!
Who has bad students in their class?
A day in the typical classroom….
Student 1: This student is constantly attention seeking yelling out Miss or Mister without raising their hand.
Student 2: The bossy know it all
Student 3: The class clown
Image retrieved 11 November 2013 from
Okay so what can we do to stop them from disrupting your class?
Punishment doesn’t work!
So we know we have students that disrupts our class, drive us crazy, & now we can’t even punish them?!!!
Remedies for attention seeking students:
Remedies for Know it all’s:
Remedies for Class Clowns:
The Bottom Line is……………….
thrive Not just survive but, thrive your 1 st year of what will hopefully be a very long career in teaching
References Ganly, S. (2010, June 18). B.F. skinner's theories on discipline in the classroom. Retrieved from classroom html Kellam-Scott, B. (2013). Skinner's behavioral approach in the classroom. Retrieved from approach-classroom.htmlhttp:// approach-classroom.html Operant conditioning. (2013). Retrieved from