Chapter 20-5 “Funguslike Protists” By: Katharine Weeiieieiei.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 20-5 “Funguslike Protists” By: Katharine Weeiieieiei

Slime Molds! o Slime molds are funguslike protists that play key roles in recycling organic material.

Bolded things are very important… Wink wink.

Two Broad groups of slime molds are… o The individual cells of cellular slime molds remain distinct - separated by cell membranes – during every phase of the mold’s life cycle. o Slime molds that pass through a stage in which their cells fuse to form large cells with many nuclei are called acellular slime molds.

Cellular Slime Molds o Belong to the phylum Acrasiomycota o Spend most of their lives as free-living cells that are not easily distinguishable from soil amoebas  In nutrient-rich soils, these amoeboid cells reproduce rapidly. When their food supply is exhausted, they produce spores that can survive harsh conditions. They send out signals to attract other cells of the same species. Within a few days, thousands of cells form a colony that acts as an organism. They produce a fruiting body! A slender reproductive structure that produces spores.

Acellular Slime Molds o Belong to the phylum Myxomcota o Being life cycles as ameba-like cells (like cellular slime molds). However, their cells to produce plasmodia, structures with many nuclei.  Small fruiting bodies (sporangia) spring up from the plasmodium. They produces haploid spores by meiosis.

Water Molds o Oomycetes thrive on dead or decaying organic material matter in water and some are plant parasites on land. Commonly known as but are not true fungi. o Water molds produce thin filaments known as hyphae.  Display both sexual and asexual reproduction in their life cycle.

o In asexual reproduction, portions of the hyphae develop into zoosporangia, which are spore cases. Each zoosporangium produces flagellated spores that swim away in search of food. When they find food, the spores develop into hyphae  NEW ORGANISMS! o Sexual reproduction takes place in specialized structures that are formed by the hyphae.  Antheridium produces male nuclei  Oogonium produces female nuclei

Ecology of Funguslike Protists  Slime molds and water molds help things rot.  Some funguslike protists can harm living things. 


What is a fruiting body? A. Strawberries and fruits Strawberries and fruits B. A slender reproductive structure that produces spores A slender reproductive structure that produces spores C. Structures with many nuclei Structures with many nuclei D. idk idk

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Oomycetes thrive on _____ or __________ matter. A. External, internal External, internal B. Eukaryotic, prokaryotic Eukaryotic, prokaryotic C. Unicellular, multicellular Unicellular, multicellular D. Dead, decaying Dead, decaying

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