Joyce Y. Johnson
Dr. Sylvia Flack welcomed us and provided a brief history of the National Strategy and the Center of Excellence for the Elimination of Health Disparities – from which the National Strategy initiative was born The National Strategy focuses on building leaders for the our Nursing programs to help programs and students survive and thrive to produce a more diverse workforce in Nursing
Dr. Shanita Williams, Chief, Nursing Practice and Workforce Development Branch - HRSA defined the Dr. Williams discussed her multi-million dollar portfolio —She needs to hear from us—get in touch and keep in touch so we are well represented in the funds distribution HRSA focusing on Health Inequities— historical insults, elimination of health and health care disparities –real and systematic and a significant threat to public health Cascading strategic Initiative on Health Equity--- branches Nursing Workforce Development Program – recruit, retain, and graduate nurses
shifting to focus from student alone to the structure within the organization that is impeding the progress of students (inflexibility). In the funding announcement – social determinants are gaining prominence Best Practice models for reaching our minority students and promoting success As leaders, must advocate for the needs of our programs for support and seek assistance to help us submit successful proposals for grant funds Engage Stakeholder groups – NACNEP, Professional Associations, Continue to shape the vision Develop ‘New’ partnerships. Office Bureau of Health Professions,
Discussed ongoing concerns in programs around student success, faculty development and the role of the National Strategy in resolutions Deliverables from this initiative could include a publication and/or toolkit of best practices aroung Use of standardized testing systems: ATI and others to support student progression and success Resources and teaching strategies/ faculty and student engagement Approaches to address lack of integrity issues Social determinants related to barriers to student success Faculty development issues and strategies
Words of wisdom on development and leadershop skills Funding opportunities
Fantastic Posters including content on: Use of audience response system as teaching strategy Promotion of student writing abilities Advice for publishing RN-BSN trends, findings and future direction Simulation Technology Teaching model for leadership excellence And Minority Graduates’ perception of NCLEX
Dr Hilda Williamson, Dr. Betty Olinger Dr. Bennie Marshall and Dr. Georgia McDuffie Presented Issues and Strategies which included: - Need to decrease attrition which included a number of minority students - Used NWD grant – Nursing Undergrad Retention and Success (NURS) to support initiatives - Social determinants of health (SDH) provided a framework for identifying multiple variables that impact academic success - NEEP for Upward Progressing Students (UPS): community engagement and professional interactions
- Recruitment and Retention(R&R) Strategies - Must address the faculty shortage – increasing with retirements-- - IOM report indicates a need to increase BSN nurses, doctorally prepared nurses and lifelong learning for nurses - Issues: nursing education is expensive, salaries are inadequate for faculty, limited doctorally prepared nursing faculty, high competition for the limited pool of masters-prepared nurses, job dissatisfaction (workload inequities), faculty evaluations reflect demands for scholarship with limited time available – high teaching/clinical load
Inadequate faculty development: program/course evaluation, classroom management, role expectations of faculty are multifaceted..servant leader, peer counselor, policy advocate….. Strategies: address salary issues, use weekend/evening differentials for clinical HRSA loan forgiveness – make faculty aware Have an exemplary faculty orientation program Have a diverse faculty—age (challenges) Racial/Ethnic mix Encourage retirees/alumni to stay involved Public awareness campaigns – Speakers Bureau Reward and recognize good full/PT faculty Seek external funding to support faculty – RWJ Nurse faculty program, Blue Cross Foundation program
- Additional Strategies: - Identify outcomes first -- to establish quality assessment when evaluating your program - Strategize – all must be on the same page for progress to occur - “what is the end product, what must be done, how are faculty to be involved (junior and senior faculty) don’t overuse and burn out senior faculty”
- All faculty should understand their academic role – teach, communicate, use information resources, change agent, know professional practice, and engage in scholarly activities - Strive for Program excellence, faculty should challenge themselves - Mentor new faculty—accreditation is a learning process they should have a role in - Raise the bar on academic standards - Action steps: Hire quality faculty, grow your own, mentor faculty in their role, the role of senior faculty and the role of chair
- Describe the student – academic level, learning outcomes, and graduate competencies Had to turn around a program quickly – address responsibility/accountability: Produced booklet on ‘student success begins with you’ Had exit chat with the Dean - identify issues and suggestions for improvement Enforced office hours and need for more student access to faculty Retention Coach
Guidelines for the clinical experience – manual for students and faculty Online faculty resource site –sharing of strategies Advisement training and support Evaluations for quality improvement—self, peer, student, administrator and faculty evaluation of course Mentor evaluation by protegee and self- evaluation by mentor curriculum audit against standards – AACN, QSEN, NCLEX…..
ATI has great support materials!!
Protégés were reminded to Take opportunites to become a leader and Be flexible and mobile—may have to travel Mentors discussed need to know what the protégé needs/wants from the mentor More communication and relationship building opportunities are important to the mentor-protégé match
Look at the data Be careful to make the right conclusion