A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale MAKE IT HAPPEN embrace change & thrive on it - Gus Takkale -
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale The power of thought – it’s in your mind Subconscious Mind: Runs the body (breathing, etc.) Stores / organizes memories Cannot differentiate with real and not real Does not process negatives directly Generates habits (good or bad) ACCEPT / EXECUTE Principle
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale Three Phases of the Journey (1) The Pre-Travel check Ensuring your engine is ready - TRM (2) Pack your bags Assembling the four tools for success (3) The 5 C’s Driving through five change locations
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale TAKE RESPONSIBILITY MINDSET (TRM) Acknowledge What did I do (or not do) to get this result? Learn What could I have done differently? Leverage What will I do now to leverage this?
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale Make it HAPPEN Aim High DREAM - Raise your standards Believe If you believe you can … you will PHP Purpose, Hunger and Passion ‘E’ Word Ewwwwwww: An excuse is a lie
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale - Values / Belief systems - Self-limiting beliefs: Don’t set imaginary limits - Fears (Failure & Rejection) - Discover your power - Character
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale - Our minds live where we want to focus - Focus on the future (solution) not the past (problem) - You can always find the good and the bad - If you seek you shall find - Constructiveness
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale - Commitment triggers action - Visible: what, how and why - Celebrate your successes - Moves you to action - Commitment
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale Body Language Voice Tone Words 55% 38% 7% Listening vs Hearing - Changes our lives and takes us to the peak - Communication
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale Body /Mind /Knowledge Give back to society (K.I.T.Y.) 1.Do something kind for someone every day 2.Contribute to your favorite charity on a regular basis, make it automatic 3.Share you knowledge, skills and time on a regular basis - Developing YOU and giving back to the world - Contribution
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale Take Responsibility Mindset Aim High Believe PHP E-Word
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale Character Constructiveness Commitment Communication Contribution
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 5 C’S OF CHANGE THE ROAD Gus Takkale “Don’t let things make you … you make things. MAKE IT HAPPEN ” GusTakkale Join me on Facebook : THE ROAD: 5C’s in Change