The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Building the Foundation for Achievement Success: Instructional Implications of the Common Core State Standards
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Why do some companies thrive in uncertainty, even chaos, and others do not? Yet some companies and leaders navigate this type of world exceptionally well. They don’t merely react; they create. They don’t merely survive; they prevail. They don’t merely succeed; they thrive. They build great enterprises that can endure. We do not believe that chaos, uncertainty, and instability are good; companies, leaders, organizations, and societies do not thrive on chaos. But they can thrive in chaos. - Collins, 2011 Great By Choice
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Build awareness across district leadership team of the instructional shifts required for successful standards implementation - initial phase of higher-order change - Introduction to Colorado Academic Standards Instructional Shifts Depth of Knowledge – Formative Assessment Playbook
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future ‘The Year of the Teacher’ Fundamental instructional shifts into every classroom Consistent, Intentional Practice Before, During, After
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future 2012 – 2013 The Year of the Teacher Before Intentional setting of standards-based, rigorous learning targets During During Guarantee access for all to challenging standards-based curricula that leads toward mastery After Responding to Instruction
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Year of Transformation Year of Transformation -New curricula New assessments- Instructional Practice
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future To improve education in this country through more consistent and higher quality teaching and learning – to ensure more consistency of instruction across schools, districts, and states
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Aligned to requirements for Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Aligned to requirements for Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness A set of expectations that truly mean, ‘if you master this, you will be ready’ Not only product, but also process standards Not only product, but also process standards Emphasize what students will do and how they will do it 21 st century skills, competencies 21 st century skills, competencies Inquiry, rigor, disciplinary literacy, heavy emphasis on reading of complex texts Expectations for grade-level mastery Expectations for grade-level mastery Spiraling of content no longer exists
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Aligned to requirements for college and career readiness
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future In Colorado’s Vision of Reform, several pieces of legislation come together to emphasize student performance outcomes: -163 New accreditation process for schools -163 New accreditation process for schools Emphasis on growth longitudinal process -191 Establishes new requirements for evaluating teachers & principals This law mandates that at least 50 percent of a teacher's evaluation be determined by the academic growth of the teacher's students and at least 50 percent of a principal's evaluation be determined by the academic growth of the students in the principal's school.
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future In Colorado’s Vision of Reform, several pieces of legislation come together to emphasize student performance outcomes: -212 Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K) Preschool to Postsecondary Education Alignment Act Preschool to Postsecondary Education Alignment Act a landmark education reform initiative that creates for the first time in Colorado a truly aligned preschool to postsecondary educational system Colorado Early Literacy Act Colorado Early Literacy Act replaces the Colorado Basic Literacy Act and will set goals and processes to help ensure all students can read proficiently by third grade
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Guaranteed access, opportunity, and EQUITY
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Guaranteed access, opportunity, and equity “these new standards will ensure that a child’s education is not largely determined by where he or she lives, rather than his or her abilities. We must close gaps in opportunity and achievement that obstruct the success of all young people. Doing so improves their lives, helps sustain our democracy, and strengthens our nation.” - Rothman, Rothman, 2011 Something in Common: The Common Core Standards and the Next Chapter in American Education Something in Common: The Common Core Standards and the Next Chapter in American Education
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future 3 Instructional Shifts Focus – Coherence – Rigor
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Clarity in learning targets at system, grade, and classroom level Narrow and deepen the focus of how time and energy is spent in the classroom Create more time and space for concepts that are prioritized in the standards
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Educators carefully connect learning within and across grades Students can build new understandings onto foundations built in previous years Teachers can come to rely on this deep conceptual understanding that was built in previous years
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the futureFluency automaticity and accuracy (flexibility, speed, and fluidity) Deep understanding ability to justify, explain, use in a variety of contexts Application authentic, novel contexts and ability to choose and use appropriate concepts and skills
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Conversation about Mastery: Students achieve strong foundational knowledge, deep conceptual understanding, and ability to transfer skills and understanding across concepts and grades
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future Teachers understand and implement actions and techniques of the standards-based teaching and learning cycle – before, during, and after instruction Teachers understand and implement actions and techniques of the standards-based teaching and learning cycle – before, during, and after instruction School teams will determine school improvement focus in practices and strategies (USIP) for ‘12-’13 School teams will determine school improvement focus in practices and strategies (USIP) for ‘12-’13 District and school leaders will continue to align and connect improvement work District and school leaders will continue to align and connect improvement work teacher evaluation – classroom look-fors – USIP strategies implementation measures – RtI - Tier 1 - TAP
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future D-11 Business Plan Essential Actions, Goal One The Year of the Teacher “Launch a coordinated vision of quality teaching and learning in District 11; define the core business of improving student achievement.”
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future, ‘teachers using particular teaching methods, teachers with high expectations for all students, and teachers who have created positive student-teacher relationships that are most likely to have the above average effects on student achievement.” Hattie concludes that, ‘teachers using particular teaching methods, teachers with high expectations for all students, and teachers who have created positive student-teacher relationships that are most likely to have the above average effects on student achievement.” Changing the Odds, p. 8
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future “If good teaching can have this much impact, then we had better be perfectly clear about what it is. Moreover, we cannot afford to over-complicate the elements of effective teaching.” “If good teaching can have this much impact, then we had better be perfectly clear about what it is. Moreover, we cannot afford to over-complicate the elements of effective teaching.” Focus, p. 52
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future “Effective teachers have qualities of warm demanders, pressing students to achieve at high levels while at the same time, developing strong nurturing relationships with them.” Changing the Odds, p. 14
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future 2012 – 2013 Year of the Teacher -Laser focus on shifting instructional practice Principals and leadership team laser-focused on essential practices, every classroom, every day The Playbook, The Playbook, Enhanced to provide ready-to-use USIP strategies Hierarchy of practice – strategy – actions - techniques Essential practices: setting clear learning targets, ensuring effective instruction, & checking for understanding
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future -Playbook enhanced -Playbook enhanced for ; it is the bridge to standards-based practice -Teacher ‘expert teams’ working -Teacher ‘expert teams’ working to prioritize, pace, design units & tasks - Larry Ainsworth > Rigorous Curriculum Design model - Karin Hess > Depth of Knowledge & Formative Assessment - Feedback from teachers throughout the process -Principals select USIP improvement strategies for ‘12-’13 from the playbook – working with Building Leadership Teams -Curricula selection processes -Curricula selection processes are already aligned to Colorado Academic Standards – supplemental curricula – informational text -Implement an effective delivery model to reach every D11 classroom
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future
The world is changing. Meet the future. Every student prepared for a world yet to be imagined Provide excellent, distinctive educational experiences that equip students for success today and in the future