Indigenous Iñupiat People Madeline Hall Michaela Hernandez Michael Pryer Chris Ramirez
Iñupiat Traditional clothing: outer and inner pullover tops (Parkas,Kuspuks/qiipaghaq) Outer and inner pants Socks, Boots Tops/Pants=Caribou Skin with fur Fur faces inside on inner garments, outside on outer garments The name "Inupiaq," means "real or genuine person”
Where do they reside? Historically, Inupiat people can be found in North Western Alaska within the artic circle, but they also previously conquered the Circumpolar North(Canada, Siberia, and Alaska). They are currently located all over the world. 1,820 Bering Strait Inupiat 3,675 Kotzebue Sound Inupiat 1,850 North Alaska Coast Inupiat 1,050 Interior North Inupiat
Demographics and Language Barrow, (population 4,434) and Kotzebue, (3,107), are the region's largest cities where the population is mostly Inupiat Eskimo. Alaskan Inupiaq includes two major dialect groups: North Alaskan Inupiaq and Seward Peninsula Inupiaq. Alaska is home to about 13,500 Inupiat, of whom about 3,000, mostly over age 40, speak the language.
Houses and Settlement Traditionally, homes are usually made from sod blocks, laid over driftwood or whale bone and walrus bone frames (dome-shaped). Usually hold 8 to 12 people
Resources Their lives evolve around the whale, walrus, seal, polar bear, caribou and fish. Birds and Eggs are important part of diet.
Video Iñupiaq Whale Hunt om/watch?v=LAqEK7 K5oCQ
Traditional Tools Variety of stone, wood, bone, and ivory Bow Drill: starts fires, drills holes Hunting equipment and tool kits are separate
Traditional Transportation Umiaq is a large open skin boat, feet long (carried up to 15 people) Kayaks Baset sled Snowshoes
Inupiat Cultural Patterns Cyclical annual activities and traditions Winter months with little to no sunlight Summer activities Fall harvest and preparations for winter
Historically Rural Traditionally and historically live in arctic tundra and sub-arctic areas The only plants that thrive are small shrubs and lichen Mammals that survive on land are compact and stocky to retain heat
Western Contact
Poverty & Wealth Pre-contact Inupiat societies were stable with their own economic structure Post-contact Inupiat societies have been impoverished – Social problems – Loss of culture – Apathy
Education Western education ignores traditional Inupiat education and knowledge – Forced ‘special education’ programs – Mind vs. Body Low motivation to complete education Lack of tools/finances to go onto college Urbanized and assimilated youth
War and Peace Historically divided and at war within Inupiat society – Alliance and Conflict by Ernest Burch Jr. – Ten separate nations – Stereotype of docile and submissive Eskimos Assimilation post-contact
Minority Status Alaska Natives are 15% of the population within Alaska Inupiaq are only a fraction of this number With historical and ongoing assimilation culture is disappearing
Oppression Children forced into boarding school system Missionaries/Christianization Enforced destruction of language and religion Subsistence-restricting laws Forced urbanization/modernization
Segregation/Forced Integration Boarding schools JOM program Separate health care Absorbed into growing urban centers and Missionary towns
Darlene Wilson Age 21 Juneau, AK September 2012
WESTERNIZATION URBANIZATION Lack of education Depression Alcoholism Domestic Abuse Racism
Many Iñupiat people depend on subsistence living. It is becoming harder to hunt the whales, seals, and walrus that are needed for survival. agePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:244363,00.html agePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:244363,00.html
What exist??? Roots in Animism Spirits Supernatural Existence
Reincarnation and recycling of spirit Deceased members names given to newborns
Animism Natural Physical Entities Christianity Missions Holidays
Relationship Reciprocal Responsibility Redistrubtion Respect Elder Care Community
Immediate kin Endogamous Kinship ties Umialik Extended family Importance of children
Manifest Destiny Global Warming Protestant Missions
Qargi club houses North Slope Festival Messenger Feast Qatizut s
Sources e.php?artID=196 e.php?artID=196 ml ml