Unit 1 Test * Outline /60 Short Answer (Paragraphs) [18 marks] True and False [15 marks] Matching [9 marks] Multiple Choice [18 marks]
Topics Covered Child Development Characteristics Types Children Then and Now Attachment and Bonding Attachment Failure to Thrive Secure Parent-Child Attachment Importance Mary Ainsworth Strange Situation Types of reactions (secure and insecure) Stranger Anxiety Koko’s Kitten Storyline Attachment Cycles Healthy Unhealthy Harry Harlow John Bowlby Nature-Nurture Twin studies Genie “Wild Child” The Secret Life of the Brain “Wider than the Sky” Questions Developmental Theorists
Children Then and Now (Handout and Textbook Work) 1.Compare children in terms of work, play, education, health, dress and parental influence today with children who existed in the early 1900s
Human Development 1.Define the term Development. 2.What are the 5 characteristics of development? 3.Be able to identify the characteristics as they apply to scenarios presented. 4.List and define the types of development 5.Provide an example for each of the types of development.
Attachment and bonding 1.Define attachment. Who is typically the primary caregiver for children? 2.Define Failure to Thrive. 3.Why is it important for children and parents to have secure attachment?
Mary Ainsworth 1.Who is Mary Ainsworth and what did she study? 2.What was the name of her famous experiment? What did it involve? What were the findings? 3.Describe the different types of attachment (secure, avoidant, resistant, disoriented). Which one is best? 4.What is stranger anxiety? What age does it typically occur? 5.Name some strategies you could use to help children with stranger anxiety?
Koko’s Kitten 1.Briefly outline the story of Koko’s kitten. 2.What is the moral of the story with respect to HPW?
Attachment Cycles 1.Why do some children have attachment disorders? 2.Outline the healthy attachment cycle. What does a baby learn through heathy attachment? 3.Outline the unhealthy attachment cycle. What does a baby learn through unhealthy attachment?
Harry Harlow 1.Who is Harry Harlow? What did he use in his experiments? What did he study? 2.Which two options were subjects given during Harlow’s experiments? Which one did they prefer most? 3.What do Harlow’s studies show us relating to infant development?
John Bowlby 1.Who is John Bowlby and what was his major field of study? 2.Describe the premise and findings of his study. What is a feedback circuit? 3.What are the three stages of separation behaviour? Describe them. 4.How can you encourage parents to lessen the anxieties of their children’s fears of separation?
Nature-Nurture What is the difference between nature and nurture? What is one way that nature and nurture have been studied by psychologists? How do twin studies contribute to the debate of nature-nurture. Which theory do they support? Explain. Who is Genie? Why did they call her a “wild child”? Which side of the nature-nurture debate does her story support? Explain.
The Secret Life of the Brain Explain Elizabeth’s situation at the start of the video. Explain Elizabeth’s development by the end of the video. When does the brain begin forming? What are some of the long term effects of being born premature? Explain Holly’s condition and development.
Early Childhood Development Theorists Erik Erikson Thomas and Chess Sigmund Freud Albert Bandura Lawrence Kohlberg Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky *What aspect of child development did they study? *What did they discover? (ie. What popular theory did they develop) *How does their theory relate to Living and Working with Children?