LIBERATION AND FREEDOM FOR THE MUSLIMAH Sis. Jameelah Muhammad Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford Uswah Conference May 11 th 2013
BISMILLAH AR RAHMAN AR RAHEEM “O’ Allah, if I speak anything that is good or if there is any good to come from my presentation it is from you. If I speak anything that is false and it is not good, it is from me and is no one fault but my own” ---Ameen
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Honorable Role of Women in Islam My Personal History: Family & Personal Development Personal Leadership History Historical Examples of Women Leadership What does the Holy Qur’an Say: Fiscal, Family, & Spiritual Leadership. Liberation and Freedom Current observations/issues for women related to oppression
HONORABLE ROLE OF WOMEN Through the Qur’an and example of Prophet Muhammad(SAW) we have seen many examples of women being honored, respected, and looked to for guidance and knowledge. Respecting parents (including your mother), Marriage and Social Rights.
Family Structure: 3 Daughters and 1 Son Expectations are high for everyone in the family (spirituality, practice, etc.) Eldest Sister went to Hajj 18 yrs old) with my Father in Emphasis on education and service to community.
LEADERSHIP Muslim Youth Committee of Detroit MAS Monitoring Team Youth Advisor for Islamic Conventions International League of Muslim Women (Junior League) Youth Taleem Organized Imam W. Deen Mohammed to visit Oakland University Campus
EXEMPLARY EXAMPLES Sister Khadijah (Prophet Muhammad SAW’s) Wife Mary (Mother of Jesus) Mother of Moses Prophet Ibrahim’s Wife (Hagar) “O Consorts(Wives) of the Prophet! Ye are not like any of the (other women If ye do fear (Allah), Be not too complaisant Of Speech, lest one In whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire: but speak ye A speech (that is) Just” (Surah 33, Ayah 32)
Women & the qur’an Fiscal rights: right to own property and the right to a fiscal gift upon marriage. Family rights: the right to be respected as a parent and to receive kindness from offspring. Right to be respected as a wife and as a daughter. Equality in Judgment based on deeds performed on earth. Opportunity to achieve righteous and piety equal to male counterparts
LIBERATION “Tumult and Oppression is worse than slaughter” (Surah 2: Ayah 191) The liberation and freedom of the female mind and identity is intrinsically linked to the liberation of her male counterpart. A community that does not empower, honor, and provide prescribed equalities for women cannot thrive. We want our community to thrive so how do we empower and enable women leadership?
EXCERPT FROM IMAM W. DEEN MOHAMMED “Most of our men are not informed. Don’t understand what gives balance and full meaning in the context of the texts. The prevailing rule in our life is JUSTICE. We must first ask, “Is it Just?”, if we know it is not right we should hesitate until we consult the Qur’an and the life of the Prophet(SAW).
LIBERATION: IMAM MOHAMMED No compulsion or domination in our religion “Society” has favored the Male, despite this we see women as heads of state and even Prime Ministers/Presidents of other countries. (Income disparities) Domestic violence will open up door for other injustices Women have rights over men, and men have rights over women (balance) * physical differences
WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE? Emphasis on Women Education: Particularly in Women leading discussions on spiritual and religious topics. Supporting and actively promoting women speakers. Sisters Taleem, Sister Hafiz? Creating spaces and opportunities for Women to lead on concerns of Culture and Family in the community: Sisters classes, StrongEnd School, Fashion Shows etc. Educating other communities about gender issues: Responsibility to share best practices and lessons learned with others.
WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE? Men and Women addressing the commodification and objectification of women in society and the media. (Internalized Oppression) Fighting for economic rights and economic equality in general, and ensuring that the issue of economic oppression related to women is a part of this fight.
CONCLUSION Liberation and Freedom for the Muslimah is a right that is granted graciously to her through the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah. This can be further nurtured through family structures and community life. Society however does not always recognize, teach, or respect these rights. As Muslims we have an obligation to address this and ensure justice. There are practical things we can do in our communities to combat to uplift women and therefore increase community prosperity.