Opportunity to survive and thrive Scottish Library & Information Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Opportunity to survive and thrive Scottish Library & Information Council

Themes The right to read Information through technology Empowerment through access Learning through opportunity National initiatives to support and improve local delivery

Big ideas Libraries are “More than”… books, google.. culture National centres of excellence delivering quality services and providing leadership and linked to inspection Rationalising the services – identify the efficiency savings which can be reinvested in the communities Free up staff to engage in communities and not in process Linking different libraries and outside partners

The right to read national readership development projects sustained funding straight from top-sliced budgets/SAC/SE provision of Scottish materials a national reading strategy creation of an information literate society

Information through technology user entitlements to broad categories of nationally-procured content smartcard access to user’s information entitlement, regardless of venue co-ordinated development of content and collections 24/7 (remote) access

Empowerment through access Libraries at the heart of communities Community planning structures which enable libraries to thrive contribution to skills development access to wider government services – registration/housing/ health, employment etc Making a difference – Libraries and social inclusion

Learning through opportunity easy steps back to learning 24/7 support co-ordinated development of learning content and collections national and local networks of partnerships (HE, FE, schools..) quality user focused

National initiatives to support and improve local delivery leadership national procurement of library and content management systems national collections strategy and centralised acquisition buildings audit sharing best practice

Potential models Electronic Libraries For Northern Ireland – single PPP library system Stock selection business model from West Lothian Irish Buildings Programme Nimble North sustainable electronic content models People’s Network vision and change-delivery mechanism Norwegian and Irish support for indigenous publishing and literature Scottish Reader Development Network model Scottish Cultural Portal