ARRA Education Funds 101
ARRA & Purpose American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Unprecedented effort to jumpstart economy. Save and create millions of jobs. Down payment on addressing long- neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century. Signed into law February 17, 2009.
Billion with a Capital B $787,000,000,000
ARRA - Education Money $98,238,000,000 One-time Investment 12.48%
ARRA Education Funds
Stratford’s Share $2,939,372 = State Fiscal Stabilization $574,808 = Title 1 $1,692,748 = IDEA Part B & Preschool $5,206,928 = ENTITLEMENT TOTAL
Stratford’s Position Identified initiatives that build district’s capacity in meeting educational goals. Fully aware the ARRA money is a historic one-time investment. Living within our means. Avoiding budgetary “gimmicks”. Such as…
Stratford’s Share $2,939,372 = State Fiscal Stabilization $574,808 = Title 1 $1,692,748 = IDEA Part B & Preschool $5,206,928 = ENTITLEMENT TOTAL
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund CT will receive approximately $541 million. Contingent upon maintenance of effort of support for education for FY 2009, 10, & 11. The SFSF will be proportionately applied to each town’s ECS grant. Under the Governor’s proposed FY10 – FY11 biennial budget, towns’ ECS grants will remain at the level. Punch line = Governor has supplanted ECS funds with SFSF.
SFSF – How it will work… Town Budgeted $20,495,602 for ECS. BOE will directly receive $2,939,372. Town will be short BOE share. BOE will have to make application to State to receive funds. Punch line = No NEW money is available for BOE.
Stratford’s Share $2,939,372 = State Fiscal Stabilization $574,808 = Title 1 $1,692,748 = IDEA Part B & Preschool $5,206,928 = ENTITLEMENT TOTAL
Title I - ARRA Funds are to be used to close the achievement gap and enable disadvantaged students to reach their potential. Title I funds are only to be used for eligible children and schools. 85% must be expended by Punch line = ALL statutory & regulatory requirements apply.
Supplement vs. Supplant Intended to ensure that services provided with Title I funds are in additional to, and do not replace or supplant, services that students would otherwise receive.
Title I – How it will work… Vacation/Summer Math & Reading Camps Additional Summer Kindergarten Transition Kindergarten FRA, ACA, NIC Additional Preschool Program Haskins Literacy Project
Stratford’s Share $2,939,372 = State Fiscal Stabilization $574,808 = Title 1 $1,692,748 = IDEA Part B & Preschool $5,206,928 = ENTITLEMENT TOTAL
IDEA - ARRA Money must be expended by Punch line = ALL statutory & regulatory requirements apply. These funds must be used only for the excess costs of providing special education and related services to children with disabilities.
Supplement vs. Supplant Intended to ensure that services provided with Title I funds are in additional to, and do not replace or supplant, services that students would otherwise receive.
Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Intended to ensure IDEA funds are not used to reduce the level of expenditures for eligible students below the level of those expenditures for the preceding year. If BOE “Meet Requirements” on IDEA Determinations by State can use 50% of IDEA increase to “offset” district expenses.
IDEA – How it will work… Exploring assistive technologies. Coordinating Early Intervening Funds 15% of funds can be used for students not identified as special education. Haskins Literacy Project Inclusion Facilitator 2 PreK, 8 ELE, 6 MID special education tutors
Accountability & Audit To prevent fraud and abuse, support the most effective uses of ARRA funds, and accurately track results, recipients must publicly report on how funds are used. Due to the unprecedented scope and importance of this investment, ARRA funds are subject to additional and more rigorous reporting requirements than normally apply to grant recipients.
Accountability & Audit ARRA = Auditors Reemployment Recovery Act Various Federal & State oversight agencies. New Federal whistleblower protection. Emphasis on transparency. Real-time audits.
Audit – How it will work… Recovery funds will need to be tracked and reported separately from regular entitlement funds. Quarterly financial and program outcome reports. Identify numbers of jobs created/retained. Will have to pay money back if not spent prudently and in accordance with the law.
ARRA Education Funds 94.6% is formula based or earmarked.
Competitive Grants “Race to the Top” Funds = $4.35 billion. Investing in What Works & Innovation. Teacher Incentive; teacher quality enhancement; impact aid construction. National Competitive Grants. Applications expected Fall 09 & Spring % of $98.2 billion.
Other Information - Under “Community” - Budget Information
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