Nationalism in Black America Toren Stafford & India Coleman
Nationalism In 1850s Black America…. Starting in 1619, Africans were taken from their own country, enslaved, and forced to inhabit a new country. Through 300 years of enslavement, slaves were expected to “adapt” to their circumstances, and appreciate their master, and “their” country. Following the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott Decision in 1857, that “Slaves were Property and not American Citizens”, African Americans had little to no reason to feel patriotic towards a country that didn’t even want to claim them. The Dred Scott Case Decision, also was a catalyst for The Civil War. Where 179,000 Black men fought and 40,000 died for a country that was divided due to the unfathomable idea that Blacks could be seen as equals. Yet, the Union’s Win would Change all of this.
The Civil War changed the views of Nationalism for all Americans, especially African Americans. -Prior to the War, Blacks were not seen as citizens, and had little to no patriotism for the United States -After the War, The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves. Finally, giving Blacks the ability to have an for the country they lived in. -After Slavery was Abolished, Blacks were now given the opportunity to achieve their aspirations and pursue their American Dream The Civil War
Segregation in America.. Throughout America’s period of Slavery and even after the Abolishment of Slavery, the segregating of Blacks continued on for a century. -Blacks were not allowed to vote until the 15 th Amendment was passed in 1870, yet, Blacks were still discriminated against with poll taxes, literacy tests, and many other barriers. It was a century after slavery was abolished, before Blacks were able to freely vote, due to The Voting Rights Act of Although Slavery was abolished, the hatred towards Blacks was still very prevalent in America; and the yearn to legally control and discriminate against them was presented through the “Jim Crow Laws.” Starting in 1890, these “laws” granted states the authority to segregate any “Public” place. Laws segregating areas as miniscule as water fountains and benches, were passed for 75 years, up until The Introduction of Jim Crow Laws, showed Blacks that the government of the nation they lived in, legally discriminated against them. This “enlightenment” sparked a Revolution known as the “Civil Rights Movement.” Where Black culture began to thrive and grow in America, and Blacks began to take a stand for their rights. Creating two forms of nationalism in the Black community. “The pride of living in a country where you could determine your destiny, and play a role in the changing of America by taking a stand against racial discrimination.” People like MLK, Booker T. Washington, and Thurgood Marshall shared this view. The other view was hatred towards America. “That the country Black people lived in, lawfully and legally discriminated against them, and that there was no one to protect or stand up for African Americans.” People like Malcolm X, Fredrick Douglass, and many poor blacks shared this view.
Nationalism in 1970s Black America Following the Civil Rights Movement, Blacks were now allowed to fully experience the American Dream. The Voting Right Act of 1965, The Civil Rights Act of 1968, and The Assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr., President John F. Kennedy, and Malcolm X; once again changed the ideas of patriotism for all Americans, especially African Americans The End of the Civil Rights Era in the 60s, brought about the beginning of a New Era for the 70s. An Era of Power, Love, and Pride for One’s Country. The Introduction of Affirmative Action, the Hippie Craze, and the Vietnam War, caused this era to continue to thrive.
The End of Segregation in America -The Civil Rights Act of 64’,65’, and 68’, got rid of segregation in America. Allowing Blacks to live for the first time, in an Equal and Fair country. This allowed African Americans to gain immense nationalism for the U.S.A -The Assassinations of MLK, JFK, and Malcolm X, shook not only the black community but the entire nation. These 3 leaders were the Head of the Civil Rights Movement, and with their deaths, sparked anger, fear, and disappointment into African Americans. -The Integration Process, allowed all races to assimilate together. Expanding culture and creating peace and increasing Nationalism for all Americans
Power, Love, and Pride The Culture of Assimilation ushered in by the 1970s continued to progress and thrive after the decade. The Introduction of Affirmative Action was used to decrease discrimination. It benefitted Blacks in all aspects of life (school, work, etc.) and allowed African Americans for the first time to feel that the government cared about them. It allowed Blacks to progress in America. Which in turn brought about appreciation for one’s country. The Hippie Era, starting in the 60s, expressed free love and peace. Which was needed in the still racially skeptical America. It bonded all races together and erased preconceived notions of racism, which brought all Americans closer, and caused more nationalism. The Vietnam War: Coinciding with the Hippie Era, the war sparked protest and strikes and unified outrage. The combining of races during this time to protest this war, brought formally separated races together. Also, for Blacks fighting in the war, it was the first time African Americans were fighting as equal men.