Author: Harry & Rosemary Wong Title: The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher Year: 2009
Main Ideas An effective teacher is one who: -Is a good classroom manager -Designs lessons that reach mastery -Has positive expectations Build a management system so that students: -Thrive in their learning environment -Grow academically -Establish successful life skills (TPE 10) Supporting Evidence “School is a powerful place. People go to school to study, work, and produce- just like in an adult workplace. School is where people go to acquire knowledge, learn skills, and develop values that will make them productive citizens and help them grow to their fullest potential as human beings” (Wong & Wong, 2009, P. 7). Establish classroom “routines” so the rest of the year can, in the words of Harry Wong “can run like a well oiled learning machine”.
Main Ideas Form routines so that your classroom operates efficiently and effectively “Teach” your classroom procedures (TPE 11) Supporting Evidence “A well managed classroom will minimize your discipline problems” (Wong & Wong, 2009, P. 147). “The Three-Step Approach to Teaching Classroom Procedures 1.Explain: State, explain, mode, and demonstrate the procedure. 2.Rehearse: Rehearse and practice the procedure under your supervision 3.Reinforce: Reteach, rehearse, practice, and reinforce the classroom procedure until it becomes a student habit or routine” (Wong, & Wong, 2009, p.154).
Wong, Harry K. & Wong, Rosemary T. (2009). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.