Fruit, Vegetable & Physical Activity Toolbox for Community Educators Presented by: Network for a Healthy California—Los Angeles Region
Questions for today: What is the Network for a Healthy California? Why should your program incorporate nutrition and physical activity lessons? What is the Fruit, Vegetable, and Physical Activity Toolbox for Community Educators? How do you become a Toolbox Partner? How will my staff get trained to use the Toolbox?
About Us The Network for a Healthy California is administered in part by the Public Health Institute, funded principally by the United States Department of Agriculture Food Stamp Program, and is one of nearly 200 projects within the Network for a Healthy California (Network).
California’s Transition California Nutrition Network for Healthy, Active Families California 5 a Day Campaign Network for a Healthy California
The Network’s Mission
Network Audience Mothers and children eligible for food stamps
The Social-Ecological Model
Reaching the Audience Food Stamp Offices Public Housing Food Banks & Food Pantries Community Activities and Events Schools & After School Programs Worksites Retail & Grocery Stores Qualifying Census Tracts
Local Incentive Awardees School Districts & County Offices of Education County Health Departments City Governments & Agencies Colleges & Indian Tribal Org. Food Banks Prevention Services at Community Clinics
Network for a Healthy California-- Campaigns and Programs Targeted campaigns and programs extend healthy eating and physical activity messages –Children’s Power Play! Campaign –Worksite Program –Retail Program –Latino Campaign –African-American Campaign
Social Marketing? Use of marketing principles to influence human behavior in order to improve health or benefit society. Eat 5 a Day Buckle Up Get a Mammogram Stop Smoking Don’t Litter
Why should your organization implement the Network Toolbox?
Obesity and Health Obesity increases risk for chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Physical, mental and financial toll from these diseases can be devastating for families. Poor health also effects Health care & workers compensation costs Worker absenteeism & productivity rates Ability to grow, learn, and earn Quality of life
Our Audience is At-Risk Low-income individuals are at higher risk for nutrition and physical activity related chronic diseases. Food Stamps can help, but California has one of the lowest food stamp participation rates in the country. Environmental factors in low-income communities make it challenging to eat healthy and be active.
Toolbox to the rescue! Healthy eating habits and regular physical activity have been found to prevent obesity. Therefore, educating low-income individuals and families to make healthier choices is ESSENTIAL Budgets are tight - staff and/or resources are being cut. FREE Toolbox and Technical Assistance will allow you to add Nutrition and Physical Activity to your existing programs.
What is the Fruit, Vegetable and Physical Activity Toolbox for Community Educators?
Provides a curriculum to teach low-income adults about eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables and enjoying physical activity every day. Tested with the target community to make sure it is culturally appropriate. Available in English or Spanish. The Toolbox
Lessons Supporting handouts Evaluation tools Educational videos Fruit, vegetable, and physical activity playing cards Music CD Poster Produce guide. The Toolbox
The Toolbox Web site contains lessons with supporting handouts, resources, and evaluation tools.
Toolbox Components Lessons : 16 in ALL! 2 adult recommendations, 7 easy-to-implement nutrition lessons, 6 fun physical activity lessons, and 1 community empowerment lesson. Handouts: Support the lessons and remind participants what they have learned during their educational experience. They provide practical information, recipes, and physical activity suggestions that will encourage behavior change. Evaluation: Measures your participants' knowledge of fruit and vegetable and physical activity recommendations and their related health benefits.
Adult Recommendation Lessons: How Many Cups Do I Need? How Many Minutes Should I Get?
Fruit and Veggie Ice Breaker Healthy Options Away From Home / Power Up At Work Healthy Recipe Demonstration and Sampling Grow Your Own Salsa Green Grocer Sharing the Gift of Fruits and Vegetables Try Your Hand at Fund Fruit and Vegetable Games Nutrition Lessons
Physical Activity Lessons Be Active Your Way Walking on the Path to Better Health Dance for Fun and Fitness All aboard the Physical Activity Train Physical Activity Relay Jump for More Physical Activity
Community Empowerment: Advocating for Community Change
Dr. Richter’s Produce Guide - Nutrition Facts - Health benefits of produce - Portion Sizes - Categorized by fruits, vegetables, herbs and ethnic/specialties - Twenty healthy recipes - Description and history on 300 produce items, selection, storage, preparation, handling tips and availability.
Educational Videos
Additional Resources Fruit, Vegetable, and Physical Activity Playing Cards
Technical Assistance Staff Training Implementation Advice Nutrition Education Reinforcement Items (NERI) Community Connections
The Toolbox can be used with small or large classes. You can choose to use the lessons and handouts to teach a series of classes on nutrition and physical activity or Select one or two of the lessons and handouts for a one-time class, such as a parenting meeting. Putting the Toolbox into Practice
Start your class by playing the appropriate educational video. If you are working with English-speaking adults, choose A Day in the Life. If you are working with Spanish-speaking adults, choose Love is Conquered by Food. Following the video, conduct a nutrition or physical activity lesson from the Toolbox. Try to conduct at least one lesson per week with the same group of participants during a two-month period. Putting the Toolbox into Practice
Be sure to conduct the Advocate for Fruits, Vegetables, and Physical Activity in Your Community lesson to empower your participants to make changes in their communities that support fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity.Advocate for Fruits, Vegetables, and Physical Activity in Your Community Use the Quick Nutrition and Physical Activity Quiz or an evaluation tool of your choice to measure how your participants progress through their learning experience.Quick Nutrition and Physical Activity Quiz Putting the Toolbox into Practice
Becoming a Toolbox Partner Qualification Agreement Evaluation Tracking Forms Share experiences with other Partners
Next Steps Upcoming Toolbox Trainings Questions?
Contact Latino Campaign Coordinator: Alejandrina Orozco (323) African American Campaign Coordinator: Meka Webb (213)