www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Castel Georgia, Ltd Presentation www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Company Beer and carbonated soft drinks factory with the modern standards was built in 1997 in Lilo, Tbilisi. Today Lilo Brewery is one of the biggest beer and lemonades manufacturing factory in Georgia and in whole Caucasus region. The giant of manufacture of the Georgian beer has huge capacities (800 000 HL in a year) which potential is successfully used by company Castel Georgia. www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Company Brewing process is automated using modern technologies. The brewer observes of all nuances with the help computers and thus operates brewing process. Company’s laboratory is checking the quality of raw materials and finished goods by chemical and microbiological analyses. www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Company In the beginning of 2013 company has established and implemented quality management system and a concept for the HACCP principles and awarded with ISO 9001:2008 – HACCP certificate. Every step of production is controlled by our quality control managers and laboratory – from raw materials till filling and finished products. www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products The beer factory produces beer of various names, as: Zekari Herzog Argo Argo Export Castel Germanuli 33 Export Also carbonates soft drinks - Lemonade Zandukeli, with various aromas of: Pear, Tarragon, Cream-Soda, Lemon and Saperavi (Red Grape). www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products ZEKARI – genuine Georgian beers distinguished by characteristic bitterness and taste. Beer for those who appreciate real men’s taste in beer. Light bitterness of the beer “ZEKARI” will never allow you to confuse it with something else. It is enjoying genuine taste of the Georgian beer in experienced company. Beer “ZEKARI” – Georgian traditions, Georgian character. Content: Hop, malt, water. Caloric content: 40 kcal/100mm. 4.6 Vol. Alc www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products ZEKARI WINTER - is already well known to everyone classic beer “ZEKARI” famous by its inimitable hop aroma, unforgettable taste and light bitter taste, but this time it is flavored with additional strength of 5,6 percent alcohol. Strong beer for strong men’s company of real connoisseurs of the Georgian beer. In company with “ZEKARI WINTER” long winter evenings will glide! Content: Hop, malt, water. Caloric content: 40 kcal/100mm. 5.6 Vol. Alc www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products HERZOG – beer for young and energetic people. Light taste of the beer “HERZOG” is the best choice for fun and good company. Wherever you are beer “HERZOG” will always be near at hand to enjoy it in the most memorable moments of your life. Beer for fun and good mood. Easy step into the new day. Visible quality and unforgettable taste. Beer “HERZOG”. Content: Hop, malt, water. Caloric content: 49 kcal/100mm. 5.2 Vol. Alc www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products ARGO – classical beer. Business card of the Company “Castel-Georgia”. Beer with which we won the Georgian market. Brewed by the best traditions beer “ARGO” has transparent golden color and soft taste giving true pleasure. Best brewery traditions and quality of the modern production allow beer connoisseurs always to be sure in their choice. Classic is always highly valued – beer “ARGO” is beer keeping traditions and pleasure. Content: hop, malt, water. Caloric content: 49 kcal/100mm. 4.8 Vol. Alc www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products CASTEL – elite beer brewed by French technology with use of elements of the highest quality. Beer for those who take the best from life. Advanced technologies and truly French refinement – are the elements of the highest quality of inimitable and indeed elite beer “Castel”. Redoubled control over the brewery process allows us to achieve the beer of the highest quality at the Georgian market. Content: Hop, malt, water. Caloric content: 69 kcal/100mm. 5.6 Vol. Alc www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products GERMANULI – Beer brewed by genuine German recipe. Quality that was improving during centuries and taste verified by time. In unique taste of the beer “GERMANULI” is nothing additional. Only natural ingredients – hops, malt and the purest water. Beer “GERMANULI” – keeper of real German traditions of brewery. Content: Hop, malt, water. Caloric content: 49 kcal/100mm. 4.8 Vol. Alc www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
Products - Lemonade ZANDUKELI – genuine Georgian lemonade prepared by classical recipe and technology with unforgettable taste and flavor. In the restored old Georgian recipe is the entire history of the lemonade “ZANDUKELI”. Content: Natural flavor, sugar, water, sodium benzoat, lemon acid. Caloric value: 45 kcal/100mm. Assortment: Pear, Tarragon, Cream-Soda and Lemon www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products - Lemonade New technologies and advanced production allow returning taste to the 21st century, which was created more than 100 years ago. Prepared on the exclusive Georgian water and 100% sugar, lemonade “ZANDUKELI” meets all high standards of present time. Modern production facilities enables us to produce up to 30,000 bottles per hour. www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Products - Lemonade Here in Georgia lemonade has a special history. It has always been very popular. These traditions are being continued by Castel Georgia with its natural, delicious taste and distinguished quality of “Zandukeli”. We offer lemonades in 0,5 l. Glass, 1,0 l. PET and 2,0 l. PET bottles. www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge
www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge Vision We are giving big attention to products, therefore we use only high quality raw materials to satisfy all needs and requirements of our consumers. The company often arranges tastings of the products with suppliers, contractors, partners and customers. We should always pay attention to even a little wish of our consumers, that is why we are implementing periodical market searches and installing technical innovations. Only such approach to business will provide preservation of the achieved success. www.castel.ge; export@castel.ge