PEN FATTENING FEEDLOT DEFINATION A plot or ground on which livestock are fattened for market There must be plans put in place to deal with large amounts of waste generated Supplementary feeding or pen fattening PEN FATTENING DEF
PEN FATTENING INDUCTION WEIGHT 300KG (18-24 months) High energy diet meal which consist of hay, cereals, soybean and premixes High energy diets for deposition of fat (known as marbling in butchered meat) in animal’s muscles Fat desirable to consumers as it contributes to flavor and tenderness Gain 140-180kg for 3 to 4 months
Pen fattening When farmers pen fatten two to three steers they will be able to buy four to five tonnes of supplementary feed and remain with the capital to buy other household requirements 70% maize grain, 20% roughage, 10% protein source STARNDARD HIGH ENERGY DIET RATIO MAINLY 9:1 MAIZE : CONCENTRATES BUDGET
STRUCTURES AND MANAGEMENT Water and feed toughs Shed Floor space HOW DO WE MANAGE ?