The Ice Cream Shop Chelsea Bauman LTEC 4100 September 27,2010
Carter and Sam loved ice cream. Everyday right after school they would go to Harris Ice Cream Shop that was located real close to there house. Oh the many flavors that they could choose from! However, there mom and dad said they had to share a bowl and could only get one flavor. Sam wanted vanilla but Carter wanted chocolate. Which flavor did they choose? Chocolate Vanilla
After many arguments, Sam swallowed her pride and decided to go with Carter on chocolate. Phew! The two asked Mr. Harris if they could have one bowl of chocolate ice cream with two spoons so they could share.
Sam begged and pleaded until Carter gave in and decided on Vanilla. They watched as Mr. Harris let the vanilla ice cream flow into there bowl from the ice cream machine. They were happy they finally made a decision.
Toppings Carter and Sam were very happy with there decision and they were ready to leave but uh oh! What about toppings? Once again, the two had a different idea. This time Carter wanted chocolate chips but Sam wanted sprinkles. Which topping did they choose? Chocolate chips Sprinkles
Chocolate Chips Carter got her way again and the two decided on chocolate chips. They put a few on there ice cream and headed out the door. It was a fun filled trip to the ice cream store.
Sprinkles Sam got his way again. The two put many colorful sprinkles on there ice cream and headed for the door. It was a fun filled trip to the ice cream store.