IK/JJ May 6 th 2012 Slide 0 Results from EMMA Injection Line BPM-02 measurements on May 6 th 2012 Ian Kirkman, James Jones
Data taken quickly at end of the final shift of the April 2012 commissioning run (25 th / 26 th ) Initial aims: to demonstrate that the summed value of the 4 pickup voltages from a cylindrical BPM varies linearly with bunch charge; to examine beam position vs bunch charge. IK/JJ May 6 th 2012 Measurements Slide 1 Method: ALICE in SB mode at 5 Hz Switch off DIP-02, monitoring charge in Faraday cup DUMP-01 Set ALICE attenuation level (proportional to laser power?) View FC response on ‘scope, and save digitised data to file Issue multiple EPICS ‘caget’ commands at each attenuation level to read BPM-02, and save data to file
Oscilloscope screens for attenuation level at the 2 extreme values, 1.0 (left) and 0.3 (right) IK/JJ May 6 th 2012 Measurements Slide 2 For each attenuation value: points in each saved data file Determine background level from mean and σ of points Determine background subtracted peak height, and apply ± σ Note that below attenuation ~ 0.3, the pulse becomes hard to distinguish
IK/JJ May 6 th 2012 Variation of Bunch Charge from FC with Attenuation level Slide 3 The ‘threshold’ attenuation level required for non-zero bunch charge in EMMA is ~ 0.1
IK/JJ May 6 th 012 Details of data analysis at attenuation value = 0.3 Slide 4 Pedestal values v4 and v8 are nicely constant, with ~ 1mV jitter Apparent jitters on horizontal (Xm) and vertical (Ym) beam positions Apparent systematic variation of mean Xm and Ym with attenuation level (slides 6, 7, 8)
IK/JJ May 6 th 2012 Variation of 4 Summed Pickups with Attenuation Level Slide 5 Nicely linear with reasonable statistics Threshold attenuation level again ~ 0.1
IK/JJ May 6 th 2012 Horizontal bunch movement with bunch charge (IL-BPM02) Slide 6 Systematic narrowing of the horizontal spread of positions with increasing bunch charge Systematic mean movement outwards with increasing bunch charge
IK/JJ May 6 th 2012 Vertical bunch movement with bunch charge (IL-BPM02) Slide 7 Indication of downwards beam movement with increasing bunch charge (to Att. ~ 0.7) Some indication of vertical narrowing (again to Att. ~ 0.7)
IK/JJ May 6 th 2012 Beam positions at IL BPM-02 with bunch charge Slide 8 Summarises plots in slides 6 and 7