Turfgrass… How you identify grass
Identifying North Carolina lawn grass varieties. There are three regions or zones based on climate –Temperature –Available moisture –Length of growing season
U.S. Regions or Zones Three of the U.S. regions or zones are in North Carolina. –Mountains and Western Piedmont= Region 1 –Central and Eastern Piedmont and Coastal Plains= Region 2 –Extreme Southeastern Coast=Region 3
Climatic Conditions in North Carolina Many lawn grasses are grown in the North Carolina Regions Each region has its own suitable grass
Region 1-Cool Season Grasses Kentucky Bluegrass Bentgrass Tall Fescue
Region 2- Transition Zone Bermudagrass Zoysia Centipedegrass St. Augustine Carpetgrass Tall Fescue Kentucky Bluegrass
Region 3-Warm Season St. Augustine Bermuda Carpetgrass Zoysia Bahiagrass
Cool Season Grasses Grow best in spring and fall Stay green in winter Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Fine Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Annual Ryegrass
Warm Season Grasses Grow best in summer Go dormant in winter Bermudagrass, Zoysia, St. Augustine, Bahiagrass, Centipede grass
Identification-Growth Habits Ways new shoots are produced –Rhizome=KY Bluegrass –Stolon= Centipedegrass and St. Augustine –Stolon and Rhizome=Bermuda and Zoysia –Bunch type=Tall Fescues, Perennial Ryegrass, and Annual Ryegrass
Identification-Leaf Texture Fine-Bermuda, KY, Perennial Rye, Zoysia Medium-Centipede and Annual Rye Coarse-Bahia, St. Augustine grass and Tall Fescue from medium to coarse
Identification-Color Light green –Centipede
Identification-Color Medium Green –Tall Fescue
Identification-Color Medium green to dark green –KY, Bahia, St. Augustine grass, Zoysia
Identification-Color Light to dark green –Bermudagrass
Kentucky Bluegrass Growth habit-rhizome Cool season Leaf texture-fine Color-Medium to dark green
Bahiagrass Growth Habit- Rhizome Warm season Leaf texture-coarse Color-medium to dark green
Centipede Growth Habit-stolon Warm season Leaf texture-medium Color-Light green
St. Augustine Growth Habit-stolon Warm season Leaf texture-coarse Color-medium to dark green
Bermuda Growth Habit-both stolon and rhizome Warm season Leaf texture-fine Color-light to dark green
Zoysia Growth Habit-both stolon and rhizome Warm season Leaf texture-fine Color-medium to dark green
Fescue Growth Habit-bunch type Cool season Leaf texture-medium to coarse Color-medium green
Ryegrass Can be annual or perennial Growth Habit-Bunch type Cool season Leaf texture- Perennial-fine, annual- medium Color-medium green