The Brady Bunch BY: Alex
The Logo This is the Brady Bunch logo from the 60’s.
The Creator The creator of the Brady Bunch is Sherwood Schwartz. The same person who created Gilligan’s Island.
Mike Brady Mike Brady is the father of the Brady kids.
The History The History The Brady Bunch first aired in Several years after the conclusion of Gilligan's Island.
The Family Here is a picture of the whole Brady family. In fact it was one of the most popular pictures of the Brady family.
The Opening Grid This is the Brady Bunch opening grid. This is the most popular picture of the Brady family.
The Movie This is the cover of the Brady Bunch Movie which was a top seller.
The Home This is the outside of the Brady home.
The Inside of the home This is the inside of the Brady home where all the action happens.
The Private Jet The cast’s private jet was tier favorite way of getting around.
The Theme Song GOH5vy7I GOH5vy7I The entrance to every episode.