BHCA 4 th Grade Tallahassee Field Trip
4 th Grade The Study of Florida Government During 4 th Grade, we study the state government – The branches of government – How a law is made – Representative government – Voting The Tallahassee trip gives the students an opportunity to personally experience some of these areas we study.
Overview Who: 4 th Grade What: Field Trip Where: Tallahassee, Florida When: April 1, 2010 Why: To experience Florida government There are a limited number of seats available for parents. – If there is overcrowding, we will use the lottery system.
What We Will See Old Florida Capitol New Florida Capitol Lawmakers in Session Florida Museum of Natural History San Luis Mission
Itinerary Meet at School and Load Busses by 5:45 a.m. Depart school promptly at 6:00 a.m. Travel to Tallahassee, snack enroute (students should bring their own snack and water bottle) Arrive at State Capitol and meet guides Visit Old Capitol Visit New Capitol Lunch Visit Museum of History Visit San Luis Mission Departure Arrive at BHCA by 6:00 p.m. – Please be ready to pick-up children at 5:45 p.m.
Student Instructions Students will be required to wear Bay Haven uniforms and adhere to the Bay Haven dress code Royal Blue Bay Haven Field Trip Shirt with Uniform Shorts, Skirt, or Pants Optional: Students may wish to bring some spending money Any student with medical needs or daily medication, please review page 21 of the BHCA handbook.
Payment Schedule and Guidelines The payment schedule is not flexible in order for our invoices to be paid on time, avoid penalties, and hold our reservations. You may send checks or money orders, made payable to Bay Haven. Please include memo line – 4 th grade Tallahassee Trip 2010 and your child’s name. If you send the payment with your child, please put it in a labeled envelope. Reminder, the amount will be adjusted, based on fund raising efforts. Payment Due: 01/15/10 – Student: non refundable payment of $53 – Adult: non refundable payment of $53 Please remember that prices are subject to change
Parents & Chaperones Please refer to the BHCA handbook pages 16 – 18. Adults who attend a BHCA field trip must adhere to the rules and policies for the scheduled field trip. All field trips are an extension of the classroom. The administration supports the authority of the teachers. All chaperones must follow the agenda set forth for the students. Chaperones will be asked to sign the BHCA’s and the Bus Company’s Memorandum of Understanding regarding their duties as a chaperone. Please help us create a positive learning environment and set an appropriate example.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q1:Are meals included in the price? A1:Yes, lunch is included. Each student also needs to bring a packed snack and water bottle for the ride. Q2:Can we bring cell phones? A2: We will follow BHCA’s handbook page 15 regarding cell phone use. Q3:Can my child bring an iPod, Computer, MP3 Player? A3:If your child brings one of these, they are responsible for it. It may not be left on the bus at any time. The teachers/ chaperones will not hold, store, or be responsible for your child’s electronic devices.
FAQ Q4: Can my child bring a Nintendo DS or other hand held game system? A4:No. We are unable to monitor the messaging function of those game systems. Q5: If my child does not attend the trip, will it affect their grades? A5: While we would like every child to enjoy this learning opportunity, we will not penalize those who are unable to do so. School will be in session for those not attending the trip. Q6: Can we bring pets? A6: The only animals permitted on the trip are guide dogs for the disabled.
Tallahassee Checklist Complete and Turn-In Emergency Medical Form (Notarized) Commitment Letter BHCA Chaperone Letter Tour Company Chaperone Letter Tour Company Student Letter Make Payment On-Time Ensure Students Have Required Uniform
Chaperone’s Responsibilities Dr Kitts has stated that chaperones MAY NOT use their cell phone to conduct business and/or personal conversations while on the trip – The exception being to call home in the evening. Chaperones are expected to be in charge of the students assigned to them at all times. There will be no smoking and no alcohol will be consumed by any adult on this trip. Adults are not permitted to visit the motel lounge or partake of any alcoholic beverages. If you do so, you will be asked to leave and provide your own transportation to Panama City. We expect all chaperones to monitor students’ behavior and redirect as needed. We expect all of our students to be well-behaved and mannerly at all times. If any issue arises, please contact the teacher immediately.