Thursday May 3, 2012
WHO : Every member of FEW, FRIENDS & COALITION PARTNERS who supports women’s rights and fair treatment of active or retired federal workers. WHAT : Accentuate FEW’s Priority Legislative Issues and draw deliberate attention to current “anti-Fed” legislation. WHEN : Thursday, May 3 rd, 2012 WHERE : On Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., in the local Congressional Offices, via phone calls and point, click & send via CAPWIZ on the internet. HOW : By lifting our voices on this day as ADVOCATES for WOMEN and FEDERAL WORKERS! GOAL: 100% nationwide participation!
Every FEW Member & Supporter Anyone who supports fairness and equity In Washington, D.C., on May 3rd? Join the FEW National Executive Committee at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill Legislative Breakfast – beginning at 9AM – Must pre- register Face-to-face visits on Capitol Hill starting at 1PM
Advocacy Day allows you to express your support and/or apposition to seven (7) sponsored bills FEW has identified for this day. TAKE ACTION!! Gain support for FEW’s Priority Bills Defeat Anti-Fed Legislation
1. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Help ensure that women receive full and equal rights in our nation. 2.Remove State Ratification Deadline for ERA Only three more states are needed to achieve the three-fifths majority needed to pass the ERA! 3. Support Paycheck Fairness Help close the gender pay gap! Fight the negative economic impacts of unfair pay!
4. Continue the Fight Against Anti-Fed Bills! Current anti-fed bills attack worker pay and retiree pensions, eliminate jobs by decreasing the size of the federal workforce, and reduce future retirement benefits for current federal workers! Federal Workers Provide Essential Services! Allow No More Cuts to Disrupt these services! Defeat ALL Anti-Fed Legislation!!
We Support these Bills! S. J. Res. 39 Remove the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment S. 797 Provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages DEFEAT these Bills! H. R Decreasing Pension Benefits H. R Prohibiting Step Increases S. 644 Eliminating Service Credit for New Hires after 2012 H. R Reducing Jobs by 10% S 3-Year Pay Freeze Extension
THURSDAY, MAY 3 rd, 2012 On this day: Visit Capitol Hill between 1PM and 5PM Eastern Visit or communicate with your local district offices at times that fit your personal schedule
On Capitol Hill! In Your Local District Legislative Offices! On Your Telephone & Your Personal Computer!
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) S. J. Res. 39 Phone: Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) S. 797 Phone: Rep. Dennis Ross (R-12-FL) H. R Phone: (202) Rep. Martha Roby (R-2-AL) H. R Phone: Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) S. 644 Phone: (202) Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-5-SC) H. R Phone (202) Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) S Phone: 509 Hart Senate Office Building 100 South Charles Street, Tower I, Suite 1710 Baltimore, Maryland 503 Hart Senate Office Building 901 South Bond Street, Suite 310 Baltimore, Maryland 404 Cannon House Office Building 170 Fitzgerald Road, Suite 1 Lakeland, Florida 414 Cannon House Office Building 22 Monroe Street, Suite 1-B Montgomery, Alabama 217 Russell Senate Office Building 2000 West First Street, Suite 508 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 1004 Longworth House Office Building 1456 Ebenezer Road Rock Hill, South Carolina 361A Russell Senate Office Building 400 South Virginia Street, Suite 738 Reno, Nevada 89501
“If I don’t hear from federal workers, then I assume they agree with what I am doing.” --Darrell Issa (R-49-CA), Chairman, Oversight and Government Reform Committee FEDERAL WORKERS ARE FED UP!!! Legislators want and need to hear from their constituents TODAY!!! We need to hold our legislators accountable for equitable treatment of women and federal workers. Our grassroots efforts WILL make a difference!
Choose one of these venues to contact our target legislators and your elected representatives: 1. Join the FEW Executive Committee on Capitol Hill! 2. Make Personal Visits to your local district offices! 3. Make Personal Phone Calls to your elected officials! 4. Communicate via text or “instant messaging” using your personal electronic devices! 5. Chat, blog, or update your social networking sites! 6. Send s using Point, Click & Send!
On May 3 rd, we want to FLOOD ANTI-FED LEGISLATORS with comments from FEW members, coalition partners & friends. Make phone calls & go to to “POINT, CLICK & SEND” your messages ON THIS DAY!! Point, Click & Send!
Whenever possible communicate with your Legislative Chairs. Plan personal visits to local District offices and notify your Chapter President and Legislative Chair of your plans. Utilize CAPWIZ & Phone Call Representatives'. Provide the names of co-participants and the names of Representatives you plan to visit. Ask your non-FEW friends to participate and to provide feedback to you on their activities!
PARTICIPATE!!REMEMBER THE RULES! As a federal employee, you MAY advocate for or against legislation. The Hatch Act does not cover “Advocacy” activities. Check with your Federal Agency Legal or Ethics Office if you have any questions about your legislative activities. ALL Advocacy Day activities must be conducted on your own time and only while in non-duty status. Government time and equipment may not be used for any legislative activities at any time or under any circumstances.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Visit the “Legislative Activities” pages of the National FEW web site: Contact Matthew Fogg, FEW National Vice President for Congressional Relations Visit and related links: Capitol Hill Basics: Point, Click & Send!