First Hill Monday, August 2, 1999 Report Back to the Community Capitol Hill
Purpose of Tonight: Turning Ideas into Actions Report Back: Options from Design & Development Work Sessions Station Area Advisory Committee Meeting Discuss Next Steps
Work Sessions Forum Community Group Interviews Design & Development Workshop
Capitol Hill What We Heard Bus, bike and pedestrian connections to the station and Cal Anderson Park. Develop a parking management strategy for businesses and residents Make station and the area around the station safe. Keep small scale businesses – more diverse businesses, housing and office – no malls or more franchises. Need ombudsman/construction coordinator who can assist businesses. Use a theme that reflects the history and diversity of Capitol Hill.
Capitol Hill Framework Set a model for new developmen t East/West Connections Integrate with Seattle Central CC
Development Partnerships Howell Street Connection Broadway and John Prototype SCCC Connection Parking Options Capitol Hill Potential Actions
Development Partnerships
Howell Street Connection
Broadway and John Prototype
SCCC Connection
Broadway and John Prototype Parking Options
First Hill What We Heard Bus and pedestrian connections to the station, 12th Avenue, South First Hill, and all employment centers are critical Explore parking and open space options that benefit the community and encourage desirable development. Housing and retail at higher densities is desirable. Usable and safe public space Make Madison Street more pedestrian friendly and an “18 hour” street Encourage small site development Stronger design standards
First Hill Framewor k Set a Model for New Development East Station West Station Walking & Bus Connections
First Hill Potential Actions Development Potential East Station Entance West Station Entrance Pike/Pine Infill Small Lots
First Hill Development Potential
East Station Entrance
First Hill Development Potential West Station Entrance
Pike/Pine Infill
Small Lots