J ulius C aesar Welcome to the Olympics
A ward C eremony G old M edal S ilver M edal The team with the least points at the award ceremony will receive the Silver Medal, which will earn every member of the team 2 points of extra credit on the test. The team with the most points at the award ceremony will receive the Gold Medal, which will earn every member of the team 5 points of extra credit on the test.
R ound One Who am I?
I nstructions How well do you know the characters in Julius Caesar? One at a time, facts and characteristics about a certain character will be displayed. The first team representative TO RAISE THEIR HAND will be called on to name the character. You only get one chance. Your team will be awarded TEN POINTS for each correct answer.
Authoritative figure. Fights Cassius and Brutus. Member of second triumvirate. Caesar’s adopted son. Eventually rules Rome after Caesar. OCTAVIUS CAESAR
Talented general. Impulsive. Lacks integrity. Dislikes Caesar. Sly and cunning. CASSIUS
Believes in omens and portents. Close to Caesar. Warns Caesar of Ides of March. Takes nightmares as a sign. Wife of Caesar. CALPHURNIA
Supporter of the republic. Opposes a dictatorship. Strong sense of morals. Believes in Roman virtue. Manipulated into killing Caesar. BRUTUS
Strong and willful. Impulsive. Uses people for his purposes. A skilled orator. Vows to avenge Caesar’s death. MARC ANTONY
R ound Two The Plot Thickens
I nstructions Think you know what happened in the play? Prove it. For each of the following questions, you will have 30 SECONDS to come up with an answer and WRITE IT DOWN. For each correct answer, your team will get 20 POINTS. If both teams get the answer right, you both get the points!
Why does Caesar ask Calpurnhia to stand and be touched by one of the “holy runners” in Act One of the play? TIME’S UP!!
He believes that touching one of the runners will cure her of being barren (unable to have children).
How do the conspirators ultimately convince Brutus that killing Caesar would be for the good of Rome? TIME’S UP!!
They throw a note through his window, making him believe that the citizens of Rome want him to take action against Caesar.
Name the first person and the last person to stab Caesar. (Two different people!) TIME’S UP!!
Casca stabs Caesar first, and Brutus stabs him last.
Why were Brutus and Cassius angry with one another in Act IV? TIME’S UP!!
Brutus condemned Lucius Pella for taking bribes after Cassius had defended Lucius’ actions.
Why does Antony consider Brutus the “noblest Roman of them all”? TIME’S UP!!
The other conspirators killed Caesar because of jealousy, while Brutus killed him for the good of Rome.
R ound Three Terms of Endearment
I nstructions Remember those literary terms we have been discussing throughout the course of the play? Be the first team to fill out the crossword puzzle CORRECTLY and get 50 POINTS added to your score.
F inal R ound Save Caesar!
I nstructions Your team will be given 20 true or false questions about the play. For every question you get wrong, Caesar moves closer to the Capitol. Get 5 questions wrong, and Caesar arrives at the Capitol and is killed! If you kill Caesar, your team LOSES 50 points. Rescue him, and you get a share of his will (which unfortunately Antony will take away).
OH NO! You killed Caesar. Your team loses 50 POINTS.
OH NO! You killed Caesar. Your team loses 50 POINTS.
C ongratulations To our Winners